Tour advertised in Scotland!


Mar 9, 2002
The Sunday Mail (i would say newspaper but thats streatching the term a bit) had an advert for the "classic" line up of Anthrax playing the Barrowlands. Spitz Belladonna, Ian, Benante, Bello. I know i've said this a thousand times as have many other people but "classic" to me would be the WCFYA line up. Aw bollocks to it, i have my ticket and as i've never seen the band with Joey i guess it will be an interesting show. Just hope Mr Bush makes an appearance.:hotjump:
Well Jockthrax, you'll have a bunch of crazy Ulstermen (and one Ulsterwoman) there to enjoy the night with y'all. We'll also have the privilege of seeing them in Dublin the previous night. :D

This is going to be one hell of a nostalgia trip for me. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I saw the "classic" lineup live 5 times. Supporting Metallica on the Master of Puppets tour in Belfast, on the Among The Living Tour in Belfast and on the State of Euphoria Tour in Bangor (NI), Omagh (i think) and Dublin. I have seen the Bush era live 3 times, so this will be Thrax concerts 9 and 10 for me.

I do prefer the Bush era, but having been into Anthrax since first hearing Spreading the Disease not long after its release, its the "classic" lineup that I grew up listening to. Its the Bush era that my cousin and friends have got into the band with. I'll agree though, that I hope John makes the tour with them. That would make the evening complete.

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
im tempted to head over to the emerald isle to see them as i assume its a one off and i cant be assed getting my ass over to dynamo. never been to Dublin before. I hear its fuckin well expensive for a pint but
Jockthrax said:
The Sunday Mail (i would say newspaper but thats streatching the term a bit) had an advert for the "classic" line up of Anthrax playing the Barrowlands. Spitz Belladonna, Ian, Benante, Bello. I know i've said this a thousand times as have many other people but "classic" to me would be the WCFYA line up. Aw bollocks to it, i have my ticket and as i've never seen the band with Joey i guess it will be an interesting show. Just hope Mr Bush makes an appearance.:hotjump:

will be interesting to see Jock if Anthrax pull the same size crowd with this lineup as they do with Bush (the real classic line up) :grin:

And as for this reunion crap...wouldnt you only do something like this if it was better than the current line up of the band as it is now. Kiss did it because it was the original 4 members, Maiden did it cause Bruce Dickinson and Adrian Smith rule but as for Anthrax doing this..while it will be interesting for those that havent seen the old ATL lineup i dont think that lineup is better enough than the current lineup to warrant a reunion tour.
i agree. the current line up is far better.

though for comedy value i would be interested to see spitz play.
funny how money talks.

spitz seems to hate scott and vice versa, so weird how all of a sudden they are doing this gay re-union thing.

all very confused...
the_walking_dude said:
im tempted to head over to the emerald isle to see them as i assume its a one off and i cant be assed getting my ass over to dynamo. never been to Dublin before. I hear its fuckin well expensive for a pint but
Believe me, you'll not regret it if you do. The Ambassador is a small venue, but the acoustics are just right, and the sound the previous two years we've seen them live there has been awesome. It might be expensive for a pint, but hey, Its only money, and you cant take that shit with you when you leave this planet.
:Spam: Wohoo, I now have my ticket for the Anthrax Gig in Glasgow, missed the last gig they played in Glasgow, as I was unable to aquire tickets. Which was made more annoying by there being a shot of that very gig on the last Anthrax DVD, I swear they did it on purpose.
fuelee2004 said:
will be interesting to see Jock if Anthrax pull the same size crowd with this lineup as they do with Bush (the real classic line up) :grin:

And as for this reunion crap...wouldnt you only do something like this if it was better than the current line up of the band as it is now. Kiss did it because it was the original 4 members, Maiden did it cause Bruce Dickinson and Adrian Smith rule but as for Anthrax doing this..while it will be interesting for those that havent seen the old ATL lineup i dont think that lineup is better enough than the current lineup to warrant a reunion tour.

Didn't they play the same venue (Barrowlands) on the WCFYA tour anyway???
They played the Barrowlands nonce and the Garage twice, 1st time it was supposed to be the (smaller) Garage and got upgraded to the Barra's then the second time it was the other way around. Both venues normally sell out.
Ulster Mosher said:
Any news on how tickets are selling?

My mate who works in Tickets Scotland says there was a huge initial rush for tickets before it was even advertised in the local press. Things have calmed down a good bit now. It will probably sell out shortly with all the advertising thats going on here.