
YAAYYY! We got a strong ally! Nita...
Or better, when are the girls coming to Sacramento or Bay area? Shit, I'm talking the same state! :) I imagine a UK tour would go over super well. Live DVD time!
But seriously...what would it take? They tour South America fairly regularly,they've been in Greece,Japan,the Middle East,and they will tour Indonesia pretty soon.So far,even the farthest places from their home.But they still never made it to here.I can't imagine that there wouldn't be more than a few places that would gladly book them.So,what holds them back?
But seriously...what would it take? They tour South America fairly regularly,they've been in Greece,Japan,the Middle East,and they will tour Indonesia pretty soon.So far,even the farthest places from their home.But they still never made it to here.I can't imagine that there wouldn't be more than a few places that would gladly book them.So,what holds them back?
Somebody's got to pay for them to come out. Need to put money in their pocket too (to make up for missing their regular job). Not a cheap trip. But certainly would like to see happen!
Unfortunately,I don't know any local promoters personally,but I'm pretty sure that those O2 Academy venues,we got a dozen of them all around the country,would be interested.They booked Misstallica 2 yrs ago,I'm guessing the costs would be similar,so I would try them first.
Unfortunately,I don't know any local promoters personally,but I'm pretty sure that those O2 Academy venues,we got a dozen of them all around the country,would be interested.They booked Misstallica 2 yrs ago,I'm guessing the costs would be similar,so I would try them first.

Can you find a direct email? All I find are customer service contacts there.
Of course!

The most important for me is in Bristol (only 20 miles away from where I live :devil: )

The one in

The one in

Can you see the pattern with the e-mail addresses? All of them like this.Every major town in the UK has an O2 venue,just change the town's name in the e-mail address.London,Glasgow,Newcastle,Oxford etc.etc. I can't believe that none of them would be interested.

Oh,and thank you for doing this! I think those lazy british bastards can kiss our hands if it will actually happen after this! :D
I've tried emailing venues before too E.O.G but no-one was interested. :(

I just thought that if they booked Misstallica last year,why don't we give it a shot,they might would take an interest in the Maidens girls too.I mean it is the Maiden country,isn't it? Let's hope someone will bite sooner or later...I actually want to see these girls way more than I want to see the actual Iron Maiden!
I just thought that if they booked Misstallica last year,why don't we give it a shot,they might would take an interest in the Maidens girls too.I mean it is the Maiden country,isn't it? Let's hope someone will bite sooner or later...I actually want to see these girls way more than I want to see the actual Iron Maiden!

I know, but the bands may work differently and the Maidens might cost more. It will be VERY expensive to get the girls over here (even tho the promotors would make a shitload back) and it doesn't seem that they're will to take a chance right now sadly. :(

Always worth putting the word out there to keep their name known and we can just hope that someone will take a chance.
Tribute bands aren't that popular in the UK.
Especially ones covering heavy metal. Its still frowned upon in the UK to like metal. Instead you have to listen to shitty repetitive dross pumped out by a lazy record industry.

Still it needs to happen, the problem is the costs. That kind of means it wont ever happen sadly. Theres the cost of the venues, the ticket sales that have to occur to make it worth while, the cost of shipping the gear, hotels, know in L.A Fuel works out at 51pence per litre. IN the UK its 137pence per litre.

I resigned myself to the fact it will happen the day it snows in hell.
Tribute bands aren't that popular in the UK.
Especially ones covering heavy metal. Its still frowned upon in the UK to like metal. Instead you have to listen to shitty repetitive dross pumped out by a lazy record industry.

The UK is the birthplace of heavy metal,and I've seen lots of people who loves this music,here.I saw a couple of tribute bands playing in this town too,so that's not the problem.I know that the fuckin' UK Top 40 comes from all radio station's asses,but being frowned upon for listening metal? Nah...come on.Otherwise,and unfortunately,you're right.The costs must be a big issue in this case.I just can't help but wondering,does this mean that the indonesian or greek or columbian promoters have more money than the british promoters? 'Cos,frankly I can not imagine that those things that you mentioned were cheaper when they went to Greece,or when they'll go to Jakarta?!