Touring the States.


New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2008
I know this has been asked plenty of time before.
But are there NO plans to tour the states?

Maybe not even a tour, but something like PowerProg USA, or even Prognation which has been just started and hopefully annual.

This band has so much potential and such amazing music to be so local.

If it needs to be a fan who sends CDs to american record labels or to mike portnoy himself, please let me know, cause ill gladly take on these efforts.
I understand the band has careers and lives to pursue, but with albums like Waiting in the Wings and Mercy Falls, this band should not be taken lightly.

It is indeed a quite commonly asked question...
Unfortunately the answer still is the same as always -it's not feasible from a financial standpoint.
Nothing would please me more than to come on over and rock with my American friends but at this point there's just no way we could make it work.

We can hope for festivals and perhaps support act gigs.

I appreciate your comittment and willingness to put some effort into this -I really do!
I think what you should do if you're serious is get as many pals together as possible and start to make some noise in the forums of the festivals you mentioned. It is quite simple really -they wanna sell tickets so they book who they think will attract the most people.
Of course you'll have to be smooth. There's nothing worse than when three dedicated fans totally spam a forum requesting theri fave band, but I hope you'll understand the difference...

And you have my word -it is neither other careers nor personal lives that is stopping us. If it was up to us we'de leave tomorrow!

Let's just keep working and keep our fingers crossed!
The new album (Mercy Falls) is a masterpiece. Easily a candidate for album of the year. I've been strongly encouraging people on the ProgPower USA Forum to buy it, listen to it, and then urge organizer Glenn Harveston to book Seventh Wonder for next year's ProgPower USA metal fest.

Seventh Wonder is, indeed, a wonder. This is extremely well made music that I absolutely love.

Kewl man!

Like I said earlier -this is an excellent way to get us overseas.
I can just urge all of You from the US to hit the PPUSA board and ask them if they'd consider having us -cuz we'd sure as h**l love to come! :kickass:
Hey Andreas.

I posted your bands photo in that Swedish hospital in cath lab 2 today at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary Alberta, Canada. The rep from Medtronic(Tamara is her name) said that Tommy looked "hot". That's a cool photo of you all in that hospital.

Anyway, this is just an effort to spread the word about your band. Its unfortunate that you dont have a U.S. based manager to get you on the radio in the United States, not that the USA is really such a great place to be right now.

But, band exposure is band exposure. Im a musician and I appreciate the complexities of your music. It has the most depth of anything I have ever heard, except maybe J.S. Bach fugues which I practice on the keyboards. But that isnt an insult.

I hope you figure out a way to get more exposure. Your band needs it.

You're very welcome Andreas.

You guys deserve success. You have clearly earned it. And clearly deserve the finances necessary to continue to pursue your work/calling.

Wow! I have a new mission in life...bring SW to the States

HEard you guys on the Progpower IX sampler cd..LOVEd it

Keep up the good work


Demorest, Georgia, USA!
The new album (Mercy Falls) is a masterpiece. Easily a candidate for album of the year. I've been strongly encouraging people on the ProgPower USA Forum to buy it, listen to it, and then urge organizer Glenn Harveston to book Seventh Wonder for next year's ProgPower USA metal fest. ...

Yes, I got the new album at this PPUSA IX.

Your music is amazing and hopefully you'll be able to play in the Americas one day.

Mercy Falls is without a doubt my top Prog CD of the year so far. I am blown away by this CD. I picked up a copy at ProgPower USA and it has been in constant rotation since.

Amazing job Andreas on the CD and on the killer bass playing.

I would love to see Seventh Wonder perform at ProgPower USA.

Ian Ringler
Section 16
Thanks man!

And like I've said before -we'd jump at the chance to come!

Don't undersetimate the difference good ol' lobbying can do.
There seem to be quite a few of you from the US joining us now which I couldn't be happier about, so if this new bunch could make some fuss around the boards on the US festivals I'm sure the arrangers would notice.

I see nothing wrong with that at all, because usually he who screams the loudest gets what he wants! :heh:

Thanks again for the kind words and I REALLY hope we could make it overseas in the not too distant future!

Cheers all!
I have offically started a "lets bring Seventh Wonder to ProgPower" thread

On the progPowerUSA message boards!

So everyone go there and be heard!


Demorest, Ga... USA