

Oct 15, 2008
Brisbane CBD
I'm forever on the road and thought I might see if there was any interest in me keeping a running diary of sorts on here. I don't know how to set up a blog nor could I be assed. Probably just casual photos and rants and whatnot.

Just bored and sleeping at an airport. Again.
stuff like that is always interesting, especially for guys in bands who don't tour (like me :D )
setting up a blog is soooo easy and there are loads of free options out there.
Cool. Maybe some other guys around here that your regularly like Jeff and tony could chip in every now and then about their adventures as well. Phone died before and I was locked out of the airport. Motherfuck.
Touring gets as boring as you let it. I started this thread sleeping out at an airport after doing a fly in gig last week. Since then I've had about 8 hrs actual sleep in my bed whilst completing my first project, preparing for an international tour and recording with will putney and trying to complete material. Totally spent and fucked. Just landed in Frankfurt after about 36hrs worth of transit and drank about 4L worth of beer and went to a few sex shops. Ate pork knuckle. Sounds pretty badass. In realist terms, my project came out so so I suppose. Feedback in the off topic forum has been discouraging. Meh. Material shall get worked on on the tour bus for recording as im not as happy with it all as i should be. I'm annihilated as shit in some shitty hotel room in the outskirts of Frankfurt. The pork knuckle was dry. The beer was some faxe strong bullshit. Bed time after a week up. Night cunce
insane work ethic you have going, kudos!, if your offer for the guestlist spot in vienna still stands i would love to talk smack!
So this is how we roll
Backstage lick party with as blood runs black. Great players and great dudes. They just finished up a date with as I lay dying in Mexico which I hear was a blast.

Today was a sweet day. Drove to Leipzig. Depressingly dead town (sorry anyone who lives here). Nowhere was open for food. Our foh guy tried to put some Palmer di shit between my head and cab. I said no. He insisted. So I go up to the German house guy who spoke no English and had a shootout from front of house. With a dodgy mic placement and no eq the mic won the battle hands down. Other sound guy insists. Comes time to play and he plugs it in. I pull it out and tell a runner whose headed to lights 'when the sound guy asks where my di signal is, tell him I unplugged it then smile'. I win. Sound was much much better than last night because of it.
Hahahaha that's fucking classic. Our FoH lady, who is a fucking genius to be fair, insisted on running Palmers as well. Screwed with stage left's tone the way he had the cabinets set up (odd but noticable), and stage right still demanded the use of a mic'd cab in the monitors. I'm not an foh guy, but I really hate those things.

Sweet kicks, btw. Shit jacket.
Rothlisberger!!! The palmers are the boxiest most annoying thing possible. Wreaks havoc in my wedge and sound shit out foh. I like to have my wedge with just clicky kicks and my Gtr hpf at 120 lpf at 8k and a wide deep scoop at 500. Just helps me feel the chugs a bit and it feels much better reacting to a squishy Gtr.

Ps. We might have some us dates this year Jeff.
Whoever says touring is boring must have been on some real shitty tours. Playing the actual show was always my least favorite part of tour, and even that was still fun, haha.