
awesome thread, as i'm still young and filled with ambitions with my band, it's pretty cool to get a quick glimpse at some cool bands touring such as yourselves.
Say didn't you do any shows in france ?
Because we can't find any serious metal gigs around and/or in Paris, seriously it's a dead place for any kind of music, especially metal (thank god we've got Hellfest at least).
Nah just drove through on the way to the uk. Grabbed a baguette though!!!

So, since the last time I was cranking this thread we have a new full length weve finished recording at the machine shop with will putney! He rules. Now. Any questions?
Supported Thy Art in Perth a couple of weeks back, they killed it. Well worth going to a show if they're in your area! I'm just hoping marshy didn't see me getting my flail on >.<
Oh dear god >.< I've been in a bit of a mix coma, lost track of what day it is! By the way I'm trying out that 2 bus chain we spoke about, it's ridiculously awesome, I'm using the glue for the compressor but at like an 80% blend.
Still on tour. Still recording like a mad man when I'm not. At the moment I'm in the middle of a 4 month tour that covers Australia twice, Europe, Russia, china and the US of A. All going swimmingly so far.