
Preparing for today's nottingham show. Road cases for tables etc.
For anyone interested, this is the current tour we're on except I te breather have been replaced by LA band Bermuda. Sweet dudes in a heavy/djenty kinda band.


After this we'll be straight off to the machine shop with will putney to record a full length, then back home for a touch to try and record some more bands on my waiting list. Then depending on scheduling, back to Europe or Aussie album launch tour. I think there maybe a us tour somewhere in between there. Not sure yet although it would be awesome.
Whoever says touring is boring must have been on some real shitty tours. Playing the actual show was always my least favorite part of tour, and even that was still fun, haha.

my thoughts exactly, maybe because of the years passing in a day job, i find weekend runs the coolest thing on the planet.

wish they lasted closer to two weeks like they used to some time ago for me, but life is life ;/
Load in after margate. Please note the majority of people doing nothing. Including me taking the photo. Load avoidance has become everyone's favorite pastime 5 shows in.

Sick so tours been great so far and catching up with a few sneapsters has been badass. Tonight's show in Graz austria has been hilarious so far though. I'm currently using die toiletten but just a few minutes ago, the worlds worst opening band refused to leave the stage upon the end of their designated set time. They kept trying to play so I pulled the iec out of the guitarists head and took his pick (I'm fresh out of jazz iiis). It was quite pathetic, headcrusher can attest to this. Good times.
Haha, good times indeed! :rock:
It seems as if the promoter made the support bands sell a certain number of tickets which they apparently did. However due to the promoter being unable to communicate with the bands they didn't bring all the gear they needed because they were told some other band would share their stuff. In the end they lacked irrelevant things like cymbal stands or a working bass head... :Spin: The drummer kept asking me to put the trigger on his kick drum because he was told there'd be one at the venue. Wtf, who seriously expects a trigger at a venue? Also riders would have helped.
Well, as it was change over took forever and their set was cut short to make up for the lost time. They had some 12 minutes to play and tried to cause a riot and kill the promoter afterwards. We had to bring in three additional security guys.
They came flying at us as well because ultimately it was us that muted them and kicked them off stage. Things were pretty heated up. I was this close to hitting someone, just waiting for anybody to make a move on me. It was all good in the end though and even if they acted unprofessionally I can kind of see where they were coming from. After all it was clearly the promoters fault who obviously doesn't have his shit together at all.
Ah well, a bunch of cool people met and had a good time. That's all the matters afaic. :)
Hope today's pizza, pasta and coffee aren't as bad as you're expecting and we'll go to the Schwarzenegger museum next time around.
So I'm now caught in a rut. Mix bermuda, play, mix abrb. So many things to do. So far the coffees been sub par and the pasta?

Also shit.

Today's venue is huge and the pa guys are Italian legends. The run sheet for tonight has capacity at 'no one knows'.
Despite being unsure if your vocalist screams a single word in English, my god, that man has some lungs. Not often do I see bands with that kind of vocalist being able to pull that 'tone' off live! Good stuff
He's a monster. IMO one of the most capable death metal vocalists in the world. So much range and power.

I'm inclined to agree there TBH. As much as I prefer a style of death growl that is well pronounced etc... Nothin screams awesome like a vocalist with raw power and character! Good job finding him
So the European tour went great. Turnouts were solid, sold out of Merch at the last date which was perfect timing. We finished up and got dropped off in Berlin from the nightliner. We were due to fly out of Frankfurt to nyc and some fool booked our connecting flight after we were due to depart Frankfurt. So... We looked at booking new flights or a train but the cost was c1000euros. Not psyched. In the end we hired a small ass van as that's all they had (Easter holidays) and crammed in for the five hour drive. Wasn't fun. Especially on no sleep. Flight was made and we left the cold euro weather.

Got into ny this Monday and had this week to kill before recording so we crashed at a fans place near the jersey shore about 2 mins from the beach. Dude looked after us real well and showed us around. Some band from pa hit us up about playing a show with them so we jumped on. People started flying in from around the us do we got bumped to headline. Ordered some Merch last minute and killed the show last night. Smashed the pa and it cut out a few times. Not stoked. Drove 4hrs back to jersey til about 4am this morning to sleep for another 4 then head to our current location.

The machine shop.
