Tower Records R.I.P.

Hi again everyone! It's definitely sad to see Tower Records close down. It reminds me when Music+ here in SoCal closed its doors years ago, but I don't think I would have forseen a giant like Tower take the fall, especially the store on Sunset Blvd., where so many metal groups would have their CD/record signings, it should be labeled a Hollywood landmark. Does anyone know if that one might be saved?
kalifguy said:
where so many metal groups would have their CD/record signings, it should be labeled a Hollywood landmark. Does anyone know if that one might be saved?

That reminds me.. I went to the Tower down the street in El Toro to get Crue's just released Theatre of Pain years ago. There was a short line outside the front door, so I asked someone what the line was for. Bon Jovi was opening for Ratt @ Irvine Meadows that night and were there doing an in-store signing. I didn't know who Bon Jovi was yet, so I decided to get their album and get it signed for the hell of it anyway. So even though I have never been into Bon Jovi, I have an autographed 7800 Degrees album. :lol:

Met Anthrax at that store after Stomp 442 was released and got my CD cover signed. They were kinda jerks, though.. My buddy asked them a simple question about a song on the new album and they wouldn't tell him the answer for some reason. :erk:
Puckfiend said:
That reminds me.. I went to the Tower down the street in El Toro to get Crue's just released Theatre of Pain years ago. There was a short line outside the front door, so I asked someone what the line was for. Bon Jovi was opening for Ratt @ Irvine Meadows that night and were there doing an in-store signing. I didn't know who Bon Jovi was yet, so I decided to get their album and get it signed for the hell of it anyway. So even though I have never been into Bon Jovi, I have an autographed 7800 Degrees album. :lol:

Met Anthrax at that store after Stomp 442 was released and got my CD cover signed. They were kinda jerks, though.. My buddy asked them a simple question about a song on the new album and they wouldn't tell him the answer for some reason. :erk:

If you don't want it, I know someone who'll take it off your hands!!! :lol: :goggly:

"Take me baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, to Tokyo Rooooooad!!!!!!!!!!!" :rock: :kickass:
Used to buy a lot in Tower, back when the only one we knew of was in Washington DC, and we'd drive over an hour to go there.

This was so long ago that they actually DID sell records.

This was also before the net was big, and so many more places to find cool stuff appeared. Only store I ever go to anymore, and it's rare, is Lou's Records up the coast.
Wow. I went to Tower yesterday in hopes of a better bargain and it paid off. :rock: They still have a pretty decent stock! I picked up a handful of cd's I'd wanted for some time and picked up some cds of old faves that I realized I only had on vinyl!!! Good God! :blush: They are down to 30% off now and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays they take an additional 10% off all cds, so I got my stuff for 40% off! :kickass: I can't remember when the last time was I bought a brand new cd for $8.00? Felt like I was wisked back to the early 80's!:goggly:
Discount is at 30% for rock cd's at the Tower I go to, has anyone seen higher? Most Iron Maiden cd's are gone too, but I did get this cool Trooper wall poster last week, though I'm not sure if they have any more left.
Discount is at 30% for rock cd's at the Tower I go to, has anyone seen higher? Most Iron Maiden cd's are gone too, but I did get this cool Trooper wall poster last week, though I'm not sure if they have any more left.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays cd's are 40% off at the one in the valley by the Topanga Mall. :rock: ALL the Iron Maiden cd's were long gone there too! :cool:
Hi Linda! Thanks for the 411, I was planning to hit the Tower Records at the Sherman Oaks Galleria, but the one that is nearest to me is Glendale's. I might swing by the Topanga Mall one too now that you mentioned it, plus I've been wanting to check out the new extension I read about. :wave:
So, is your Michael Jackson collection now complete? :p
it was Kajagoogoo
Time (after) time, (I'm) short of breath, don't even try (?)
Try a little harder
Something's wrong, you're not naive,
you must must be strong
Ooh, baby, try
Hey girl, move a little closer.
You're Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush
Modern medicine falls short of your complaints
Ooh, try a little harder
You're moving in circles,
won't you dilate
Baby try
Hey girl, move a little closer
'Cause, you're Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush
Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush, eye to eye
Too shy shy
Hush hush

Butt anyways ya tower ..Hum ya Tower
Back in the day as the kids say..
Tower was a full service store
you could get a lot of things.
ya tower was the first place
i got my maiden LPs/EPs
even got my first maiden tixx there
then CDs came thy closed the one on El Toro Road
had to get my maiden elsewhere found some good mail-order places and some small shops then found my way to
the super Internet dirt Highway right after Al Gore invented it.:goggly: i could find things that i could never find at tower..
and when i did go in one to check to see what thy
had every thing was over priced same old same
old not like you can find on ebay..
i guess what IM trying to say is
...IM going to stop now dont want to make anybody cry today that was yesterday
... Just kidding
what did i pick up this at towers

Here it is one tower bag--Unused ---Check Ebay soon


0`Well and its not maiden because i have every thing US Vinyl & CD/cassette/DVD so i would not find what i look for in tower So i got this
Motorhead--Stone Deaf Forever



Johnny Cash--I Walk The Line

And if you have some thing to say about johnny he would like to say something as well



and linda did you see my Burr drumstick bask in its glow
Wow came here to post something else look at me Im Wrighting book

BUT like tower all good things must come to a end
so when life gets you down ..
Aways Look on the bright side of life