Track Lengths

Okay, let's look at a comparison.

Exodus - Exhibit B: The Human Condition. Long as hell, and dreadfully fucking boring almost entirely because of it.
Dead Orchestra - Sounds Like Time Tastes. Short as hell, and good fun that leaves you clamouring for more... because of it's length. And that's with more tracks than the count on Exhibit B.

Both thrash albums too, so you can't call it bias. When you get to the pinpoint, it's pure logic that 90% of overlong albums just get far too fucking boring. I'll use exhibit B as an example again since it's probably the best one - fifteen tracks, all of which breach four minutes, most of which breach five and some which even stretch beyond seven (nine in at least one case). If there were eight to ten tracks it'd be fine, but fifteen is a fucking pisstake.
What about films? You often pay the same price to see a film which is 70 minutes long as one which is 120

Should be the same there too. Of course the length shouldn't be the only thing that decides the price. If a movie, or album, is concidered bad, and no one buys it, the price of will of course drop, even if it's a short or long movie/album.