Tracking a monster kit


Aug 2, 2007
I am tracking drums for an album this week.
The drummer brought his Pearl Masterworks Custom.
Super kit. 22, 22, 12rt, 13rt, 16ft, 18ft.
The overheads are so wide I had to use a central mic over the middle splashes and also mic left and right high hats.
He also has a Pearl Jimmy DeGrasso snare which is amazing.
When we are finished tracking I will make trigger TCIs of the snare and kick.
Watch this space for the share.
This guy isn't compensating for anything. He is really good.
We won't be using triggers on this album.
It's old school 80s style metal so the 2 kicks will sound far better than a double pedal on single kick because for double kick parts the drums will breathe and the low end will get a chance to develop without getting choked by the next hit.
I thought the same thing re the 18 floor tom but he does use it.

Really enjoying tracking this band because they want drums left live with no editing and they are looking for a live, drums in the room, sound. Very refreshing when you are used to bands looking for hyper edited triggered recordings.
Once i had this drummers setup his kit with lots of toms, two hi hats, 4 or 5 crashes....and use one crash, one hi hat and randomly play the floor tom. It was SO FUN.