Tracking Guitars-DI for ReAmping


Jul 21, 2009
So im gonna be tracking guitar...this is what I have to work with.

A Pod
A 421
An SM57
Two heads that I want to reamp with.
A 2x12
A DI Box

So I want to record the "raw" signal, but also have a distorted signal while im tracking, so its not distracting with just being a clean track while tracking. Im guessing I should open 2 tracks (One for Pod, one raw)...correct?

I want to have 2 tracks for the R guitar, and 2 for the L guitar, so each side has the combination of both tones.

So after I track, how do I send the signal out into the amp?

If there are any other all ears.
im pretty sure podfarm can give you a distorted signal while only recording a clean signal not positive though as i dont have it...but after you do that then you need a reamp box and your all set...make sure your not just doing 1 Left and right take and duplicating them cuz it wont give you the effect that your'll have to actually record 4 seperate takes
My interface is a 002, and I havent gotten a reamp box yet. Im looking at the Radial.

So im gonna have to track 4 separate parts? What would be the disadvantage of having 2 of the same tracks, but reamping them with different amps?
Its 2 different techniques....doing 2 takes and copying them into different settings will give you a different tone, which isnt a bad thing, but if you track 4 seperate takes then you will end up with bigger sounding guitars...neither way is wrong it really comes down to personal preference....your best bet is try both and see which way you like it better
There is nothing wrong with recording 2 takes and using 2 amps for each, giving you 4 tracks. But minimal is 2 takes.