Prices are in euro.
Prices are indicative: if they seem too high, just make an offer, we'll try to work something out.
Payment: cash / Paypal (with fees) / NO BANK TRANSFER
Feel free to ask any question (condition, color of the LP, label, pics...)
1349 Liberation Picture LP 10
ACHERON Xomaly 10
AMORPHIS The karelian isthmus Picture LP 45
Tales from the thousand lakes Picture LP 45
ANAL BLASPHEMY Bestial black metal filth Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
ANWYL Postmortem apocalypse Ltd to 500 10
ARKHA SVA / BLACK STENCH Split LP Ltd to 500 30
ARMAGGEDON Kill yourself or die Picture LP - Ltd to 333 14
Imperium wird durch das Blut wieder aufleben Black LP - Ltd to 300 14
ASKE (Ger) R.I.P. 419/444 10
ATOMIZER Death - Mutation - Disease - Annihilation Picture LP 14
The only weapon of choice - 13 odes to power, decimation and conquest Ltd to 666 14
The death of forever Picture LP 14
Atomic bloodlust - Live 2003 13
AZAGHAL Of beasts and vultures Ltd to 500 20
Codex antitheus Ltd to 500 20
AZAGHAL / BLACK DEATH RITUAL Neljä vihan vasaraa / Four hammers of hate Ltd to 800 20
BAD RELIGION 21st century (digital boy) Picture LP 10
BARASTIR / UGLUK Under the banner of hate / Hveralundr Black LP - Ltd to 250 13
BATHORY Destroyer of worlds Picture LP 20
BEHEMOTH The return of the northern moon Ltd to 500 45
Conjuration 15
BELPHEGOR Bondage goat zombie Red LP - 0656 (/1000) 15
BESATT In nomine Satanas Ltd to 500 12
BESTIAL MOCKERY / UNHOLY MASSACRE Eve of the bestial massacre 086/500 10
BLACK CIRCLE Behold my visions and wisdom 12
BLACK CRUCIFIXION Promethean gift 13
Satanic Zeitgeist - Live 23th of august 1991 Ltd to 500 13
BLACK FUNERAL Az-I-Dahak Ltd to 500 12
Belial arisen Ltd to 500 12
BLODSRIT Hinterland ???/500 13
The well of light has finally dried ???/500 13
BLOODHAMMER / RIDE FOR REVENGE Chords of the left hand 17 ON HOLD
BLOOD RED FOG / FUNERARY BELL Split LP Black LP - Ltd to 300 13
CAEDES Blood, war, perversion Ltd to 350 12
CLANDESTINE BLAZE Falling monuments 15
CORPUS CHRISTII Lost chapters 12
DAEMONLORD The end of the era 382/500 10
DARK AGES Twilight of Europe - Ltd to 350 10
DARKESTRAH The way to paganism 096/300 12
DAUDUR Daudur 094/500 10
DEAD RAVEN CHOIR My firstborn will surely be blind Ltd to 300 15
DECAYED The book of darkness Ltd to 500 13
Resurrectîónem mortuórum 136/333 13
DECAYED / URN The nameless wraith / Morbid death Ltd to 666 12
DENIAL OF GOD The horrors of Satan Picture LP - Ltd to 500 25
DEVASTATOR The summoning Picture LP - Ltd to 300 12
DEVILRY Stormbolt Ltd to 500 11
Rites for the spring of supremacy 11
DIE SAAT Niedergang 315/500 12
DIMMU BORGIR Death cult armaggedon (Back on Black) 20
DODSFERD Fucking your creation Picture LP - Ltd to 500 12
DRAUGSANG / MÖRKER Seil på skyggans hav / Den sista utfärden 266/500 10
DROWNING THE LIGHT A pact with madness Ltd to 1000 20
The weeping moon Ltd to 666 15
Land of the dead sun Black LP - Ltd to 400 15
DROWNING THE LIGHT / EMPIRE OF THARAPHITA Path of the old lunar cult empire Ltd to 666 15
DUB BUK Ruś ponad use ! Ltd to 500 17
Misyac pomsty Ltd to 500 17
ELITE Kampen Ltd to 500 12
ELJUDNER Daudningekvider 252/500 10
EMPTY The house of funerary hymns 12
EMPTY / ANIMUS MORTIS Invocations from the innominate void Ltd to 500 13
ENDSTILLE Endstilles Reich 16
Navigator Ltd to 300 16 ON HOLD
ENSHADOWED Messengers of the darkest dawn Black LP - 157 (/350) 14
ETERNAL MAJESTY From war to darkness Picture LP - Ltd to 500 10
EWIGES REICH Thron aus Eis 12
EXODUS Fabulous disaster 17
FLAMES Last prophecy 25
Greatest hits 20
FROSTKRIEG Das astrale Fenster Ltd to 400 12
FUNERAL FOG Under the black veil Black LP - Ltd to 400 - 181/500 11
GOD DETHRONED The Christhunt Picture LP 20
GORATH Elite 11
GORGOROTH Under the sign of hell Rerelease (Back on Black) 14
Incipit Satan Rerelease (Back on Black) 14
Twilight of the idols (In conspiracy with Satan) Rerelease (Back on Black) 14
GRAVELAND Drunemeton Die Hard + patch - Ltd to 100 30
Spears of heaven / Cold winter blades Black LP 25
GRAVEWÜRM Ancient storms of war Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
HAVOHEJ Hornbook Seytan Black LP 12
HELHEIM Nidr ok nordr liggr helvegr Ltd to 1000 13
HELLIAS Noc potepienia 10
HELLSAW Spiritual twilight Ltd to 500 10
HIRAX Blasted in Bangkok White LP 12
Barrage of noise 11
HOLY DEATH The knight, death and the devil Black LP - Ltd to 400 10
HORNA Ääniä yössä Ltd to 1000 20
IGNIVOMOUS Death transmutation Picture LP 17
IMMORTAL Diabolical fullmoon mysticism (first press) 75
IMPENDING DOOM Caedes sacrilegae 244/500 23 ON HOLD
IMPIOUS HAVOC At the ruins of the holy kingdom Ltd to 500 10
Dawn of nothing 078/500 10
INCRIMINATED Hypocricide 381/400 13
Death nöize 13
INFERNO / TUNDRA Infernal belief 11
INFINITY The arcane wisdom of shadows Ltd to 666 13
IRON MAIDEN Aces high Picture LP 30
The wicker man (version maxi LP) Picture LP 20
The number of the beast (maxi LP) Picture LP 15
A tribute to JUDAS ISCARIOT To the triumph of evil 335/666 14
KAMPFAR Kvass 218/800 14 ON HOLD
KATHAARIAN Cryptic temples of the ancient cult Ltd to 300 10
KOLDBRANN Nekrotisk inkvisition 990/999 17
KORGONTHURUS / SILBERBACH Salvation through despair 341/500 12
KRATER Das Relikt des Triumphes 106 (/400) 12
KRIEG Rise of the imperial hordes 557/999 14
Sono lo scherno 702/999 14
The black plague 389/666 15
KULT OV AZAZEL The world, the flesh and the devil Picture LP - Ltd to 500 12
Assaulting the masses 576/666 12
LIK Lekamen illusionen kallet Ltd to 500 15
LOITS Vere kutse kohustab 84/501 14
LUCIFERI EXCELSI Heiliger Krieg Ltd to 500 10
MACABRE OMEN The ancient returns 12
MAGOG Artglauben Picture LP 17
MALKUTH Mutus liber Ltd to 300 10
MANIAC BUTCHER Il sangue nero 327/550 13
Live in open hell Ltd to 999 13
MANTICORE For rats and plague Picture LP 15
MARDUK Infernal eternal Picture LP - Ltd to 500 25
World funeral Picture LP - Ltd to 1500 17
METALLICA The 5.98$ EP - The garage days re-revisited Greek press 15
Nothing else matters 8
NACHTMYSTIUM Reign of the malicious Picture LP 20
NAEBLIS Sketches of reality 119/250 14
NAER MATARON River at dash scalding 227/500 15
NAPALM DEATH Christening of the blind Bootleg - Picture LP 15
NASHEIM Evighet / Undergång 538/999 13
NECROFROST Bloodstorms voktes over Hytrunghas dunkle necrotroner 164/500 13
Dark fog hovens near the wooden caves of Aldrakkiian bloodforest 83/500 13
OBITUARY Cause of death 35
The end complete 30
OBTEST Tūkstantmetis Picture LP - Ltd to 333 13
Auka seniems dievams Ltd to 333 13
I kartos į kartą Ltd to 499 13
OCTOBER FALLS The streams of the end 17
Marras Ltd to 500 14
ODAL / RAVEN'S EMPIRE Einst verehrt von allen / Vae victis 218/500 15
ORDER FROM CHAOS Plateau of invincibility 22
PAGAN HELLFIRE / FOLKVANG Firmament eclipse Ltd to 300 14
PAGAN RITES Mark of the devil 031/666 13
PARIA VerminRace 264/500 13
PARIA / PROSATANOS Split LP 153/500 13
PEST (Ger) Vado mori 291 (/350) 14
Pest 14
PESTNEBEL Der schwarze Tod / In den schwarzen Abgründen der Ewigkeit Ltd to 500 14
RANCID And out come the wolves 15
RESUSCITATOR Iniciation 12
RUINS Chambers of perversion Ltd to 250 12
RUNENBLUT No solution for your life just suicide 333/500 11
RUNNING WILD Wild animal 18
SACRED REICH Ignorance 17
SACRIFICIA MORTUORUM Les vents de l'oubli Ltd to 500 15
SACRILEGIOUS IMPALEMENT Sacrilegious impalement 12
SAMAEL Worship live Bootleg 15 ON HOLD
SATHANAS Thy dark heavens Black LP - 164/500 12
SHINING V - Halmstad Picture LP - Ltd to 495 17
SILBERBACH Inferno Ltd to 350 13
SKITLIV Bloodletting Ltd to 777 14
SLAYER South of heaven 15
Rare tracks vol. 1 Bootleg - Purple - Ltd to 266 17
Songbook of the antichrist (part one) Bootleg 17
SURTURS LOHE Vor walvaters thron 147/400 13
TARANIS Taranis 445/500 10
TENEBRAE IN PERPETUUM Antico misticismo 13
THE TRUE ENDLESS Wings of wrath 053/520 10
A climb to eternity 10
THORNSPAWN Blood of the holy, taint thy steel Ltd to 666 13
THRONEUM Mutiny of death Ltd to 300 12
Ceremonial abhorrence & darkness Picture LP - Ltd to 300 12
THUNDERBOLT The burning deed of deceit 468/500 17
TODESSTOSS Beutetrieb schwarzer Witwen / Sehnsucht Black LP - Ltd to 380 17
TORTURIUM Misanthropic angels burning winds Ltd to 666 13
TROLLZORN Deutsche Urgewalt 293/400 13
TSJUDER Desert northern hell 22
UNCREATION'S DAWN Lightning hammer falls 14
URGEHAL Rise of the monument Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
VENOM Possessed 20
Black metal 20
VERMETH Suicide or be killed ! 12
VINTERRIKET Landschaften ewiger Einsamkeit 076/500 13
VROLOK / EMIT Pestilence 1440 / The divine eye Picture LP 13
WHIPLASH Power and pain 40
WOLFSSCHREI Feasting my hatred 226/328 13
Torture of a human soul 291/300 13
WOLFSWINTER Nordal 006/350 10
WOODTEMPLE Feel the anger of the wind 430/666 14
No price = 4
Almighty Emperor - At battlefields of the abyssal realm (Battle Hymn)
Amazarak - Saeva omnia (Fog of the Apocalypse)
Ancestral Fog - Live in Duinkerke (Self produced - n°294 - Signed) 6
Apolion - Death grows into sperm (Bylec-tum)
Arkham - Rehearsal 97 (self) 10
Atra - Beneath the silent souls (Adverse Order - 19/100) 7
Black Howling / Marbh - Split (PRO tape - Frenteuropa - 107/200) 5
Celestia - Delhÿs-cätes (Apparitia - #238) 5
Circle of Ouroborus - Streams (Northern Sky) 6
Daemonlord - The end of the era (Wolf - 170/200)
Devilish Era - Under the aegis of the megathropist (DUKE)
Erhabenheit / Vinterkrig - Split (Osolon)
Fornication - Stab (Battleskr's) 5
Hate Forest - To those who came before us (Night Birds)
Hell - The arrival of the eternal reign of evil (PRO tape - The Way of Force - 158/266)
Inferivm - Demo 2008 (Antihumanism / Herege Warfare)
Lord Wind - Atlantean monument (Werewolf - 451/500) 5
Lunatic Gods - Sitting by the fire (Metal Age)
Lunatic Gods - The wilderness (Akne)
Marblebog / Draugurz - Split (PRO tape - Folterkammer - 125/144) 5
Marblebog / Lascowiec / Verzivatar - Deep horizons of eternity (HOD)
Melancholy Pessimism - Recompense to saints (PRO tape - Metal Age/TAGA)
Menneskerhat - Der Weg zum Galgen (Donnerschlag - 449/500)
Metallica - Some kind of monster (PRO tape - Vertigo - Egyptian press) 8
Moloch / Blutenstrasse / Ordo Templi Orientis / Winter Depression - ...und monoton Herbstlinien (Herege Warfare)
Nunslaughter - Raid the Country Star - Live 18/03/2009 Albignasego (Padova) Italy (PRO tape - War Kommand - 57/166) 8
Nyctophobic - Live, Merksplas (Obliteration - n°358)
Obtest - Auka seniems dievams (PRO tape - Ledo Takas) 5
Odal - ...wilde Kraft (Frostcald)
Overkill - The years of decay (PRO tape - Megaforce) 5 ON HOLD
Paragon Impure - To Gaius! (Meurtre Noir) 6
Samael - 1987-1992 (PRO tape - Metal Mind) 8
Självmord - Självhatets skönhet (Forgotten Wisdom)
Slaughter House - Face reality (PRO tape - Metal Blade) ON HOLD
Thor's Hammer - The fate worse than death (PRO tape - Blutrenheit) 7
Tomb - Sacrilegium (PRO tape - Todestrieb)
Totenburg - Pestpogrom (Nebelfee Klangwerke)
Totenburg / Menneskerhat (Hammerbund)
Zavod31 - Collection (Winter Solace - 20/50)
BEHEXEN "From the devil's chalice" (M) Offer...
BURZUM "Logo" (XL) 12 (official Misanthropy)
DEN SAAKALDTE "Ol, morke og depresjon" (L) 10
GRAND BELIAL'S KEY "Goat of a thousand young" (L) 12
HONOR "1989-2009" (M) 15
LOITS "Militant flack'n'roll" (L) 10
MAYHEM "River of blood" (XL) 12
METALUCIFER "Heavy metal bulldozaaarrrggghhh" (L) 15
TANKARD "Alcoholic metal" (L) 15
ABSURD / PANTHEON - Split (Nebelfee Klangwerke) 12
AD HOMINEM - Planeta mundo novo (Elegy - A5) 12
AFFLICTIS LENTAE - From nothing (Infernal Kommando) 5
AGRESSOR - Deathreat (SOM - SEALED) 8
ALTAR - Red harvest (Pavement) 8
ALTAR - Provoke (Displeased) 8
AMON AMARTH - The crusher (Metal Blade) 8
AMON AMARTH - Once sent from the golden hall (Metal Blade) 8
ANCIENT - Night visit (Metal Blade - digipak) 7
ANGST SKVADRON - Flukt (Agonia) 8
ARCKANUM - Kostogher (FMP) 20
ARCKANUM - Fran marder (FMP) 20
ARGHOSLENT - 1990-1994 - The first three demos (Drakkar) 10
ASES - Neverending warlust (Taran) 6
ASTROFAES - Dying emotions domain (Chanteloup) 10
AT THE GATES - Purgatory unleashed - Live at Wacken (Earache - SEALED) 8
ATOMIZER - Caustic music for the spiritually bankrupt (Hells Headbangers) 6
ATROCITY - Blut (Napalm) 6
ATROCITY featuring Yasmin - Calling the rain (Napalm - digipak) 7
AVULSED - Reanimations (Xtreem) Promo CD / Trade only
BALROG - Kill yourself (DBM / Aeon) 5
BARREN EARTH - Curse of the red river (Peaceville) 8
BATTLEHORNS - Battlehorns (Hohenstaufen) 5
BEASTCRAFT - Baptized in blood and goatsemen (Blackseed - ltd digipak) 15
BEHEMOTH - Grom (Solistitium) 15
BEHEMOTH - Pandemonic incantations (Metal Mind - digipak) 12
BENEDICTION - Killing music (Nuclear Blast - CD+DVD - SEALED) 10
BESTIAL SUMMONING / HERETIC - Splitting skulls for Satan (Black Vomit) 10
BEWITCHED - Diabolical desecration / Encyclopedia of evil (Osmose - digipak) 10
BILSKIRNIR - In flames of purification / Totenheer (Darker than black) 8
BLACK ANGEL - Black angel (Yawar inti) 7
BLACK FLAME - Torment and glory (Eerie Art) 5
BLACK WOOD - For the mankind grief reunited (Thou Shalt Kill! - 246/300) 10
BLACK WOOD - Religious (Thou Shalt Kill! - 224/300) 10
BLAKAGIR - Nostalgia & Droga przed egzekucja (God is Myth / Black Plague) 5
BOLT THROWER - Realm of chaos (Earache 2005) 10
BROCKEN MOON - Mondfinsternis (Christhunt) 8
BRUJERIA - Brujerizmo (Roadrunner) 6
CADAVEROUS CONDITION - The lesser travelled seas (Perverted Teste) 5
CAED DHU - By tych co nami wladna postracac z oltarzy (Triumf / Terror Propaganda - 050/666) 7
CAÏNA - Caïna (Bubonic / Universal Tongue - digipak) 6
CANDLEMASS - Death magic doom (Nuclear Blast) 6
CANNIBAL CORPSE - 15 years killing spree (Metal Blade - Discs 1-2-3 only, no boxset) 5 each cd, 10 for the three
CARCASS - Symphonies of sickness (Earache - Uncensored cover - includes "Reek of putrefaction") 15
CARCASS - Necroticism (Earache - +2 videos) 10
CARCASS - Heartwork (Earache) 7
CARCASS - Swansong (Earache - slipcase - +1 video) 10
CARCASS - Wake up and smell the...carcass (Earache) 7
CELTIC FROST - Monotheist (Century Media) 6
CHEMIKILLER - Evil speaks (Autopsy Kitchen) 5
CLANDESTINE BLAZE - Church of atrocity (Northern Heritage) 9
CONQUEROR - Hammer of Antichrist - History of annihilation (Fifth Division) 15
CREPUSCULUM - Visions of the apocalypse (Odium) 8
CRIMSON MOON - Under the serpentine spell (Total Holocaust) 7
CRUCIFIER - Merciless conviction (Hell) 6
DARKESTRAH - The great silk road (Paragon) 7
DARK MANAGARM - Victorious march (Infernal Kommando) 7
DARVULIA - L'alliance des venins (Battleskrs) 8
DEAD CHRIST CULT - ??? (The Kether Crown) 5
DECAYED - Blasphemic offering - The singles 1993-2011 (Aphelion - Double CD) 10
DEAD RAVEN CHOIR - Cask strength black metal (Supernal) 9
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Fas - Ite, maledicti, in ignem aeternum (NED) 12
DENIAL OF GOD - The Dawn Of Aemizaez: Demos 1992-1993 (NSOL) 8
DENOUNCEMENT PYRE - Hells infantry (Forgotten Wisdom) 6
DEN SAAKALDTE - Ol, morke og depresjon (Aesthetic death - digipak - SEALED) 9
DEN SAAKALDTE - All hail pessimism (Avantgarde) Drill holes in backcover / Trade only
DESOLATION TRIUMPHALIS - Forever bound to nothingness (Aura Mystique - SEALED) 12
DESTRÖYER 666 - To the devil his due (KBTMT) 9
DEVASTATOR - The summoning (Old Cemetary) 7
DIABOLIC - Chaos in hell / Possessed by death (Deathgasm) 6
DIMHYMN / HYPOTHERMIA - Skuglig intention (Eerie Art) 10
DROWNING THE LIGHT - The fading rays of the sun (Obscure Abhorrence) 7
DROWNING THE LIGHT - The weeping moon (Obscure Abhorrence) 7
DR SHRINKER - Grotesque wedlock (Necroharmonic) 12
DUNKELGRAFEN - Im Schatten der Ewigkeit (Neon Knights) 4
EIBON LA FURIES - The blood of the realm (Code666 - digipak - SEALED) 8
ELISABETHA - Une Wirklichkeit erfüllt die Seele wieder (Black Attakk) 5
EMINENZ - The blackest dimension (Last Episode) 5
EMINENZ - Anti-genesis (Last Episode) 10
EMIT - Abortions (Autumn Wind) 6
EMPTY - The house of funerary hymns (De Tenebrarum Principio) 7
EMPYRIUM - A retrospective... (Prophecy - digibook) 12
ENOCH - Graveyard disturbances (Baphomet - digipak - SEALED) 5
ENSHADOWED - Messengers at the darkest dawn (Black Lotus) 6
ENSHADOWED - Intensity (Black Lotus) 6
ETERNAL TEARS OF SORROW - A virgin and a whore (Spinefarm) 7
ETERNAL TEARS OF SORROW - Vilda mannu (Spinefarm) 9
ETERNAL TEARS OF SORROW - Chaotic beauty (XIII bis) 6
EWIGES REICH - Zeit des Erwachens (Perverted Taste) 6
FATHER BEFOULED / HELCARAXË - Ruination of the heavenly communion (Enucleation) 10
FROST (Hun) - Extreme loneliness - Fragments (Paragon) 5
FROST (UK) - Cursed again & Talking to God (FETO) 7
GAUNTLET'S SWORD - Theosophy (Ewiges Eis) 6
GENOCIDE KOMMANDO - Black metal supremacy (Moribund) 6
GOATLORD - The last sodomy of Mary (NWN) 9
GOATPENIS - Semen 1992-Anno domini (Infernus Rex) 8
GOATPENIS - Trotz verbot, nicht tot (Death to Mankind) 8
GODLESS NORTH - Summon the age of supremacy (Merciless / Breath of Night) 6
GODLESS TRUTH - Burning existence (Deadsun) 6
GOETIA - Hail Satan (ISO666) 5
GORGON / OTAL - Split (Dernier Bastion - SEALED) 7
GORGOROTH - Destroyer (Nuclear Blast) 8
GOSPEL OF THE HORNS - The satanist's dream (KBTMT) 8
HATE SQUAD - I.Q. zero (GUN) 5
HAVOHEJ - Dethrone the son of God (Hells Headbangers) 7
HAVOHEJ - Kembatinan premaster (Hells Headbangers) 6
HEL - Tristheim (Det germanske folket) 7
HEL - Falland vörrandi (Det germanske folket) 7
HEL - Orloeg (Det germanske folket) 7
HELLOWEEN - The time of the oath (Raw Power) 20
HERETIC - Gods over humans, slaves under Satan (KBTMT) 7
HORNA - Ääniä yössä (Debemur Morti - A5 - SEALED) 12
HORNCROWNED - The rise of Satan's artillery (Goathorned) 5
HYPOTHERMIA - Veins (Insikt / Konklav) 12
IMMORTAL RITES - Art of devolution (Khaosmaster - digipak +2 bonus tracks) 6
IMPIETY - 18 atomic years satanniversary (Pulverised - SEALED) 12
INCRIMINATED / BLOODHAMMER - Split (Bestial Burst) 8
JUDAS ISCARIOT - Under the black sun (bootleg - 006/300) 10
KATAKLYSM - Live in Deutschland (Nuclear Blast - CD+DVD - SEALED) 10
KATHARSIS - Kommando metal (Goat Moon Worship) 12
KROHM - A world though dead eyes (Moribund) 9
KULT - Winds of war (Debemur Morti) 5
LAWNMOWER DETH - Billy (Earache) 7
LEVIATHAN - Tentacles of whorror (Moribund) 10
MANIAC BUTCHER - Live in Germany (From beyond) 6
MANIAC BUTCHER - Lucan-Antikrist (Azermedoth) 7
MARILYN MANSON - From obscurity 2 purgatory (Eastworld - Double cd - SEALED) 6
MASOKISMI - Häpeällinen siveysoppi (Bestial Burst) 6
MEKONG DELTA - The principle of doubt (Zardoz) 12
MITTERNACHT - The desolation of Blendenstein (Furias) 5
MOONTOWER - In the shadow of the wolf (Hell is here) 6
MORBID ANGEL - Domination (Earache) 8
MORBID ANGEL - Heretic (Earache) 8
MORMANT DE SNAGOV - Rise from the void (Wintersunset) 4
MORTA SKULD - Surface (Pavement) 8
MORTE INCANDESCENTE - ...Relembrando um tumulo esquecido (WTC) 6
MOTÖRHEAD - Live & loud! (Emporio) 7
MOTÖRHEAD - Anthology - Volume one (Carrere) 7
MOTÖRHEAD - Welcome to the bear trap (Castle) 10
MOTÖRHEAD - Essential noize: the very best of (Metro) 7
MUTIILATION - Desecrate Jesus name (Bootleg) 10
MY DYING BRIDE - A line of deathless kings (Ltd box - SEALED) 15
NAER MATARON - Skotos aenaon (Azermedoth) 7
NASTROND - Muspellz Synir (slipcase - Debemur Morti) 9
NATRON - Unpure (Nocturnal) 7
NIHIL NOCTURNE - Necrohell (Solistitium) 10
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Nechrist (Oriana) 10
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Of sculptured ivy and stone flowers (The End) 9
OBITUARY - Cause of death (Roadrunner - The Obituary Remasters) 8
ONDSKAPT - Dödens evangelium (Next Horizon) 15
ORPHANED LAND - Mabool (Century Media) 9
PARIA - Unchain the unclean (KBTMT) 8
PORTAL - Forthcoming (CDN / More Hate / Cadla) 5
PRAYER OF THE DYING - From the mouth of the passing (Nekrogoat Heresy) 5
PREVALENT RESISTANCE - To live again and dominate (Nykta) 7
PRIMORDIAL - The gathering wilderness (Metal Blade) 10
PROCLAMATION - Execration of cruel bestiality (NWN) 8
PROFANATICA - Collection (War Hammer - 687/1000) 25
PUREST - Renascence (Darker than Black) 5
RAISM - Aesthetic terrorism (KRON-H) 6
RAMONES - Live, january 7, 1978 at the Palladium, NYC (Sanctuary) 6
RAVENTHRONE - Endless conflict theorem (Avantgarde) 8
SABAOTH - Sabaoth (Hammer of Damnation) 6
SABBAT - Karmagmassacre (Iron Pegasus) 9 ON HOLD
SABBAT - Sabbatical 25 years kamikaze demonslaught (Deathbringer - A5 digipak) 20
SACRAMENTUM - Abyss of time (Century Media - double cd) 10
SAMAEL - Aeonics - An anthology (Century Media - slipcase) 6
SAMOMOR - Somnus stellae (Mater tenebrarum) 3
SARGEIST - Disciple of the heinous path (Moribund) Promo CD / Trade only
SATYRICON - Now, diabolical (Black Metal Attack) 7
SEVERANCE - What lies ahead... (Blackend) 6
SHADOWS LAND - Ante Christum (Osmose) 6
SIGH - Scenes from hell (The End) 10
SIGILLUM DIABOLI - 666 (Debemur Morti) 5
SLAYER - Seasons in the abyss (American) 7
SLAYER - Decade of aggression (American - Double cd) 11
SOMBRE CHEMIN / ORNAMENTS OF SIN - Durch Ruinen und düstere Kriegsfelder (ISO666) Drill hole in backcover / Trade only
SOUFFERANCE - Travels into several remote nations of the mind (Valse Sinistre - A5) 8
STORM LEGION - The eye of the prophet (Goatowarex) 7
SUMMONING - Minas Morgul (Napalm - first press "Made in Germany") 10
SUPREMACY - Le crépuscule des idoles (Eisiger Mond) 5
SVARTSOT - Ravnenes saga (Napalm) 8
TENEBRAE IN PERPETUUM - Antico misticismo (Debemur Morti) 10
THE BATALLION - Stronghold of men (Dark Essence) 10
THE DEVIANT - Ravenous deathworship (Candlelight - SEALED) 7
THERION - Vovon (Nuclear Blast) 7
THE SOIL BLEEDS BLACK - Alchemie (The Fossil Dungeon/Twlight - digipak) 8
THRUDVANGAR - Walhall (Einheit) 9
THRUDVANGAR - Durch Blut und Eis (Einheit) 8
TONDRA / NORDIC MIST - Split (Nunslaughter) 5
TORCHE - Torche (Robotic Empire / Rock Action) 7
TUMULUS SERAPHIM - Centenarians' divine lunacy (Beyond) 5
UNDERDARK - I am above all (Wraith) 5
UNDERDARK - The truth that lives (Battlelord) 7
V.A.C.K. - Vinland Anti-Christian Kommando (Sardonic Wrath) 4
V.A.C.K. - L'ombre de la solitude (Rusty Axe) 4
VALASKJALF / HRODVITNIR - Under the banner of vinlandic heathen might (Storms of Steel) 8
VARATHRON - The lament of gods (Pagan) 9
VENOM - Leave me in hell (Success) 8
VENOM - Darkest hour (Eagle - double CD) 12
VERIVALA - Kalliolle, kukkulalle (Nykta) 8
VILKATES - Angeldust and blasphemy (Last Episode) 5
VILKATES - Apocalyptic millennium (Last Episode) 7
VILLAINS - Lifecode of decadence (NWN) 5
VILLAINS - Drenched in the poisons (Aurora Borealis - digipak) 6
VINTERRIKET - Eiszwielicht (Aphelion) 7
VINTERRIKET - Winterschatten (Frostcald) 7
VINTERRIKET - Grauweiss (DVD - digipak - Aphelion - SEALED) 12
VINTERRIKET - Nachtschwarze Momente (Frozen Landscapes) 7
VITAL REMAINS - Horrors of hell (Century Media) 10
WATAIN - Casus Luciferi (SOM - digipak) 10
WATAIN - Sworn to the dark (Puverised - digipak) 10
WOJNAR - Jam synem orlim jest na wieki (Lost Reich) 7
WOLFSSCHREI - Torture of a human soul (Raging Bloodlust) 6
WOLFTHORN - 10 years in his name (Misanthropic Art) 6
WRITTEN IN TORMENT - The uncreation (None more black - 676/1000) 5
WYRD - Heathen (MMM) 12
ZAVORASH - Zavorash (Oaken shield) Drill hole in barcode / Trade only
ZORN - Todesschwadron (Black Attakk) 5
AKITSA / THE SHADOW ORDER - Guerre / Polemos (Splendour) 15
ALICE DONUT - Nadine (Alternative tentacles) 5
ANTHRAX - Make me laugh (Megaforce / Island) 4
ANTHRAX - Black lodge (Elektra - Ltd edition "Poster bag" - n°0777) 5
BEHALF FIEND / BLASPHEMIAM / GRAVE DESECRATION / BESTIAL HOLOCAUST ‎ The evil conquest world: The first possession (4 labels - red EP - 407/500)
BONE AWL - Night's middle (Klaxon) 12
BORIS - Japanese heavy rock hits #1 (Southern Lord) 6
BORIS - Japanese heavy rock hits #2 (Southern Lord) 6
BORIS - Japanese heavy rock hits #3 (Southern Lord) 6
CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - Your tomorrow (parts 1 and 2) (Southern Lord - NEUF SOUS CELLO) 8
CRUCIAMENTUM / VASAELETH - Eroding chaos unto ascending flesh (Hells Headbangers - splatter) 10 ON HOLD
DENIAL OF GOD / ABYSMAL GRIEF - Split (Horror - White EP ltd 200) 10
FRONT BEAST / RUINS - Split (Deathstrike) 6
FRONT BEAST / THY ASHES - Split (Self - Red EP ltd 100) 8
GRAVEWÜRM / DEVIL LEE ROT - Infernal Gates (Miriquidy / City of the Dead - 132/500) 6
HIRAX / VIOLATOR - Raging thrash (Deep Six / Black Devil - SEALED) 7
INCRIMINATED / THRONEUM - Split (From Beyond) 5
INFERNAL NECROMANCY - Freezing blackstained universe (Forgotten Wisdom) 5
INFERNO / CELESTIA - Bitva o měsiční trůn / Spectra (Sombre) 20
IRAE / JAZIGO - Ageless unlight / The ashes of misanthropy (Discipline / BCP - 103/150) 15
KRIEG / OPEN GRAVE - Resistance is futile (Regimental) 15
LORD BELIAL / RUNEMAGICK - Doomed by death (Aftermath - 297/666) 8
LYCANTHROPY / NESOUCAST STROJE - Split (a shitload of labels - Orange EP ltd 300) 6
NOCTERNITY / NASTROND - Split (Picture EP - Debemur Morti) 15
NUIT NOIRE - Delïrant fantäesy (Seedstock - Signed) 6
NUNSLAUGHTER - Cerebus (Hells Headbangers) 7.50
NUNSLAUGHTER / AGATHOCLES - Split (Selfmadegod - Red EP) 7
NUNSLAUGHTER / FETUS EATERS - Split (self - Ltd 300) 12
NUNSLAUGHTER / RADIOLOKATOR - Split (Doomentia / Korek - Ltd 300) 10
NUNSLAUGHTER / UNHOLY GRAVE - Split (Hells Headbangers - Silver EP) 10
SABBAT / DESASTER - Anniversarius (Necromancer - Black EP - Signed by Desaster memberz) 12
SABBAT / DESASTER - Anniversarius (Necromancer - Picture EP) 12
SABBAT / IRONFIST - Bloodlust regime 1942 (Necromancer) 12
SADOMATOR / MORBOSIDAD - Rites of desecration (Iron Bonehead) 8
SATANIZE / BLACK CILICE - Pactum diabolicum (Black Gangrene) 10
SLAYER - Cult (American - Picture EP) 20
SUICIDAL WINDS / THRONEUM - Necroblasphemies (Iron Bonehead) 6
VERIVALA - Unden aamun sarastus (Grievantee) 10
VERVIVALA / VULVA INFERNUM - Scars and worship (Debemur Morti) 9
Prices are indicative: if they seem too high, just make an offer, we'll try to work something out.
Payment: cash / Paypal (with fees) / NO BANK TRANSFER
Feel free to ask any question (condition, color of the LP, label, pics...)
1349 Liberation Picture LP 10
ACHERON Xomaly 10
AMORPHIS The karelian isthmus Picture LP 45
Tales from the thousand lakes Picture LP 45
ANAL BLASPHEMY Bestial black metal filth Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
ANWYL Postmortem apocalypse Ltd to 500 10
ARKHA SVA / BLACK STENCH Split LP Ltd to 500 30
ARMAGGEDON Kill yourself or die Picture LP - Ltd to 333 14
Imperium wird durch das Blut wieder aufleben Black LP - Ltd to 300 14
ASKE (Ger) R.I.P. 419/444 10
ATOMIZER Death - Mutation - Disease - Annihilation Picture LP 14
The only weapon of choice - 13 odes to power, decimation and conquest Ltd to 666 14
The death of forever Picture LP 14
Atomic bloodlust - Live 2003 13
AZAGHAL Of beasts and vultures Ltd to 500 20
Codex antitheus Ltd to 500 20
AZAGHAL / BLACK DEATH RITUAL Neljä vihan vasaraa / Four hammers of hate Ltd to 800 20
BAD RELIGION 21st century (digital boy) Picture LP 10
BARASTIR / UGLUK Under the banner of hate / Hveralundr Black LP - Ltd to 250 13
BATHORY Destroyer of worlds Picture LP 20
BEHEMOTH The return of the northern moon Ltd to 500 45
Conjuration 15
BELPHEGOR Bondage goat zombie Red LP - 0656 (/1000) 15
BESATT In nomine Satanas Ltd to 500 12
BESTIAL MOCKERY / UNHOLY MASSACRE Eve of the bestial massacre 086/500 10
BLACK CIRCLE Behold my visions and wisdom 12
BLACK CRUCIFIXION Promethean gift 13
Satanic Zeitgeist - Live 23th of august 1991 Ltd to 500 13
BLACK FUNERAL Az-I-Dahak Ltd to 500 12
Belial arisen Ltd to 500 12
BLODSRIT Hinterland ???/500 13
The well of light has finally dried ???/500 13
BLOODHAMMER / RIDE FOR REVENGE Chords of the left hand 17 ON HOLD
BLOOD RED FOG / FUNERARY BELL Split LP Black LP - Ltd to 300 13
CAEDES Blood, war, perversion Ltd to 350 12
CLANDESTINE BLAZE Falling monuments 15
CORPUS CHRISTII Lost chapters 12
DAEMONLORD The end of the era 382/500 10
DARK AGES Twilight of Europe - Ltd to 350 10
DARKESTRAH The way to paganism 096/300 12
DAUDUR Daudur 094/500 10
DEAD RAVEN CHOIR My firstborn will surely be blind Ltd to 300 15
DECAYED The book of darkness Ltd to 500 13
Resurrectîónem mortuórum 136/333 13
DECAYED / URN The nameless wraith / Morbid death Ltd to 666 12
DENIAL OF GOD The horrors of Satan Picture LP - Ltd to 500 25
DEVASTATOR The summoning Picture LP - Ltd to 300 12
DEVILRY Stormbolt Ltd to 500 11
Rites for the spring of supremacy 11
DIE SAAT Niedergang 315/500 12
DIMMU BORGIR Death cult armaggedon (Back on Black) 20
DODSFERD Fucking your creation Picture LP - Ltd to 500 12
DRAUGSANG / MÖRKER Seil på skyggans hav / Den sista utfärden 266/500 10
DROWNING THE LIGHT A pact with madness Ltd to 1000 20
The weeping moon Ltd to 666 15
Land of the dead sun Black LP - Ltd to 400 15
DROWNING THE LIGHT / EMPIRE OF THARAPHITA Path of the old lunar cult empire Ltd to 666 15
DUB BUK Ruś ponad use ! Ltd to 500 17
Misyac pomsty Ltd to 500 17
ELITE Kampen Ltd to 500 12
ELJUDNER Daudningekvider 252/500 10
EMPTY The house of funerary hymns 12
EMPTY / ANIMUS MORTIS Invocations from the innominate void Ltd to 500 13
ENDSTILLE Endstilles Reich 16
Navigator Ltd to 300 16 ON HOLD
ENSHADOWED Messengers of the darkest dawn Black LP - 157 (/350) 14
ETERNAL MAJESTY From war to darkness Picture LP - Ltd to 500 10
EWIGES REICH Thron aus Eis 12
EXODUS Fabulous disaster 17
FLAMES Last prophecy 25
Greatest hits 20
FROSTKRIEG Das astrale Fenster Ltd to 400 12
FUNERAL FOG Under the black veil Black LP - Ltd to 400 - 181/500 11
GOD DETHRONED The Christhunt Picture LP 20
GORATH Elite 11
GORGOROTH Under the sign of hell Rerelease (Back on Black) 14
Incipit Satan Rerelease (Back on Black) 14
Twilight of the idols (In conspiracy with Satan) Rerelease (Back on Black) 14
GRAVELAND Drunemeton Die Hard + patch - Ltd to 100 30
Spears of heaven / Cold winter blades Black LP 25
GRAVEWÜRM Ancient storms of war Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
HAVOHEJ Hornbook Seytan Black LP 12
HELHEIM Nidr ok nordr liggr helvegr Ltd to 1000 13
HELLIAS Noc potepienia 10
HELLSAW Spiritual twilight Ltd to 500 10
HIRAX Blasted in Bangkok White LP 12
Barrage of noise 11
HOLY DEATH The knight, death and the devil Black LP - Ltd to 400 10
HORNA Ääniä yössä Ltd to 1000 20
IGNIVOMOUS Death transmutation Picture LP 17
IMMORTAL Diabolical fullmoon mysticism (first press) 75
IMPENDING DOOM Caedes sacrilegae 244/500 23 ON HOLD
IMPIOUS HAVOC At the ruins of the holy kingdom Ltd to 500 10
Dawn of nothing 078/500 10
INCRIMINATED Hypocricide 381/400 13
Death nöize 13
INFERNO / TUNDRA Infernal belief 11
INFINITY The arcane wisdom of shadows Ltd to 666 13
IRON MAIDEN Aces high Picture LP 30
The wicker man (version maxi LP) Picture LP 20
The number of the beast (maxi LP) Picture LP 15
A tribute to JUDAS ISCARIOT To the triumph of evil 335/666 14
KAMPFAR Kvass 218/800 14 ON HOLD
KATHAARIAN Cryptic temples of the ancient cult Ltd to 300 10
KOLDBRANN Nekrotisk inkvisition 990/999 17
KORGONTHURUS / SILBERBACH Salvation through despair 341/500 12
KRATER Das Relikt des Triumphes 106 (/400) 12
KRIEG Rise of the imperial hordes 557/999 14
Sono lo scherno 702/999 14
The black plague 389/666 15
KULT OV AZAZEL The world, the flesh and the devil Picture LP - Ltd to 500 12
Assaulting the masses 576/666 12
LIK Lekamen illusionen kallet Ltd to 500 15
LOITS Vere kutse kohustab 84/501 14
LUCIFERI EXCELSI Heiliger Krieg Ltd to 500 10
MACABRE OMEN The ancient returns 12
MAGOG Artglauben Picture LP 17
MALKUTH Mutus liber Ltd to 300 10
MANIAC BUTCHER Il sangue nero 327/550 13
Live in open hell Ltd to 999 13
MANTICORE For rats and plague Picture LP 15
MARDUK Infernal eternal Picture LP - Ltd to 500 25
World funeral Picture LP - Ltd to 1500 17
METALLICA The 5.98$ EP - The garage days re-revisited Greek press 15
Nothing else matters 8
NACHTMYSTIUM Reign of the malicious Picture LP 20
NAEBLIS Sketches of reality 119/250 14
NAER MATARON River at dash scalding 227/500 15
NAPALM DEATH Christening of the blind Bootleg - Picture LP 15
NASHEIM Evighet / Undergång 538/999 13
NECROFROST Bloodstorms voktes over Hytrunghas dunkle necrotroner 164/500 13
Dark fog hovens near the wooden caves of Aldrakkiian bloodforest 83/500 13
OBITUARY Cause of death 35
The end complete 30
OBTEST Tūkstantmetis Picture LP - Ltd to 333 13
Auka seniems dievams Ltd to 333 13
I kartos į kartą Ltd to 499 13
OCTOBER FALLS The streams of the end 17
Marras Ltd to 500 14
ODAL / RAVEN'S EMPIRE Einst verehrt von allen / Vae victis 218/500 15
ORDER FROM CHAOS Plateau of invincibility 22
PAGAN HELLFIRE / FOLKVANG Firmament eclipse Ltd to 300 14
PAGAN RITES Mark of the devil 031/666 13
PARIA VerminRace 264/500 13
PARIA / PROSATANOS Split LP 153/500 13
PEST (Ger) Vado mori 291 (/350) 14
Pest 14
PESTNEBEL Der schwarze Tod / In den schwarzen Abgründen der Ewigkeit Ltd to 500 14
RANCID And out come the wolves 15
RESUSCITATOR Iniciation 12
RUINS Chambers of perversion Ltd to 250 12
RUNENBLUT No solution for your life just suicide 333/500 11
RUNNING WILD Wild animal 18
SACRED REICH Ignorance 17
SACRIFICIA MORTUORUM Les vents de l'oubli Ltd to 500 15
SACRILEGIOUS IMPALEMENT Sacrilegious impalement 12
SAMAEL Worship live Bootleg 15 ON HOLD
SATHANAS Thy dark heavens Black LP - 164/500 12
SHINING V - Halmstad Picture LP - Ltd to 495 17
SILBERBACH Inferno Ltd to 350 13
SKITLIV Bloodletting Ltd to 777 14
SLAYER South of heaven 15
Rare tracks vol. 1 Bootleg - Purple - Ltd to 266 17
Songbook of the antichrist (part one) Bootleg 17
SURTURS LOHE Vor walvaters thron 147/400 13
TARANIS Taranis 445/500 10
TENEBRAE IN PERPETUUM Antico misticismo 13
THE TRUE ENDLESS Wings of wrath 053/520 10
A climb to eternity 10
THORNSPAWN Blood of the holy, taint thy steel Ltd to 666 13
THRONEUM Mutiny of death Ltd to 300 12
Ceremonial abhorrence & darkness Picture LP - Ltd to 300 12
THUNDERBOLT The burning deed of deceit 468/500 17
TODESSTOSS Beutetrieb schwarzer Witwen / Sehnsucht Black LP - Ltd to 380 17
TORTURIUM Misanthropic angels burning winds Ltd to 666 13
TROLLZORN Deutsche Urgewalt 293/400 13
TSJUDER Desert northern hell 22
UNCREATION'S DAWN Lightning hammer falls 14
URGEHAL Rise of the monument Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
VENOM Possessed 20
Black metal 20
VERMETH Suicide or be killed ! 12
VINTERRIKET Landschaften ewiger Einsamkeit 076/500 13
VROLOK / EMIT Pestilence 1440 / The divine eye Picture LP 13
WHIPLASH Power and pain 40
WOLFSSCHREI Feasting my hatred 226/328 13
Torture of a human soul 291/300 13
WOLFSWINTER Nordal 006/350 10
WOODTEMPLE Feel the anger of the wind 430/666 14
No price = 4
Almighty Emperor - At battlefields of the abyssal realm (Battle Hymn)
Amazarak - Saeva omnia (Fog of the Apocalypse)
Ancestral Fog - Live in Duinkerke (Self produced - n°294 - Signed) 6
Apolion - Death grows into sperm (Bylec-tum)
Arkham - Rehearsal 97 (self) 10
Atra - Beneath the silent souls (Adverse Order - 19/100) 7
Black Howling / Marbh - Split (PRO tape - Frenteuropa - 107/200) 5
Celestia - Delhÿs-cätes (Apparitia - #238) 5
Circle of Ouroborus - Streams (Northern Sky) 6
Daemonlord - The end of the era (Wolf - 170/200)
Devilish Era - Under the aegis of the megathropist (DUKE)
Erhabenheit / Vinterkrig - Split (Osolon)
Fornication - Stab (Battleskr's) 5
Hate Forest - To those who came before us (Night Birds)
Hell - The arrival of the eternal reign of evil (PRO tape - The Way of Force - 158/266)
Inferivm - Demo 2008 (Antihumanism / Herege Warfare)
Lord Wind - Atlantean monument (Werewolf - 451/500) 5
Lunatic Gods - Sitting by the fire (Metal Age)
Lunatic Gods - The wilderness (Akne)
Marblebog / Draugurz - Split (PRO tape - Folterkammer - 125/144) 5
Marblebog / Lascowiec / Verzivatar - Deep horizons of eternity (HOD)
Melancholy Pessimism - Recompense to saints (PRO tape - Metal Age/TAGA)
Menneskerhat - Der Weg zum Galgen (Donnerschlag - 449/500)
Metallica - Some kind of monster (PRO tape - Vertigo - Egyptian press) 8
Moloch / Blutenstrasse / Ordo Templi Orientis / Winter Depression - ...und monoton Herbstlinien (Herege Warfare)
Nunslaughter - Raid the Country Star - Live 18/03/2009 Albignasego (Padova) Italy (PRO tape - War Kommand - 57/166) 8
Nyctophobic - Live, Merksplas (Obliteration - n°358)
Obtest - Auka seniems dievams (PRO tape - Ledo Takas) 5
Odal - ...wilde Kraft (Frostcald)
Overkill - The years of decay (PRO tape - Megaforce) 5 ON HOLD
Paragon Impure - To Gaius! (Meurtre Noir) 6
Samael - 1987-1992 (PRO tape - Metal Mind) 8
Självmord - Självhatets skönhet (Forgotten Wisdom)
Slaughter House - Face reality (PRO tape - Metal Blade) ON HOLD
Thor's Hammer - The fate worse than death (PRO tape - Blutrenheit) 7
Tomb - Sacrilegium (PRO tape - Todestrieb)
Totenburg - Pestpogrom (Nebelfee Klangwerke)
Totenburg / Menneskerhat (Hammerbund)
Zavod31 - Collection (Winter Solace - 20/50)
BEHEXEN "From the devil's chalice" (M) Offer...

BURZUM "Logo" (XL) 12 (official Misanthropy)

DEN SAAKALDTE "Ol, morke og depresjon" (L) 10

GRAND BELIAL'S KEY "Goat of a thousand young" (L) 12

HONOR "1989-2009" (M) 15


LOITS "Militant flack'n'roll" (L) 10

MAYHEM "River of blood" (XL) 12

METALUCIFER "Heavy metal bulldozaaarrrggghhh" (L) 15

TANKARD "Alcoholic metal" (L) 15

ABSURD / PANTHEON - Split (Nebelfee Klangwerke) 12
AD HOMINEM - Planeta mundo novo (Elegy - A5) 12
AFFLICTIS LENTAE - From nothing (Infernal Kommando) 5
AGRESSOR - Deathreat (SOM - SEALED) 8
ALTAR - Red harvest (Pavement) 8
ALTAR - Provoke (Displeased) 8
AMON AMARTH - The crusher (Metal Blade) 8
AMON AMARTH - Once sent from the golden hall (Metal Blade) 8
ANCIENT - Night visit (Metal Blade - digipak) 7
ANGST SKVADRON - Flukt (Agonia) 8
ARCKANUM - Kostogher (FMP) 20
ARCKANUM - Fran marder (FMP) 20
ARGHOSLENT - 1990-1994 - The first three demos (Drakkar) 10
ASES - Neverending warlust (Taran) 6
ASTROFAES - Dying emotions domain (Chanteloup) 10
AT THE GATES - Purgatory unleashed - Live at Wacken (Earache - SEALED) 8
ATOMIZER - Caustic music for the spiritually bankrupt (Hells Headbangers) 6
ATROCITY - Blut (Napalm) 6
ATROCITY featuring Yasmin - Calling the rain (Napalm - digipak) 7
AVULSED - Reanimations (Xtreem) Promo CD / Trade only
BALROG - Kill yourself (DBM / Aeon) 5
BARREN EARTH - Curse of the red river (Peaceville) 8
BATTLEHORNS - Battlehorns (Hohenstaufen) 5
BEASTCRAFT - Baptized in blood and goatsemen (Blackseed - ltd digipak) 15
BEHEMOTH - Grom (Solistitium) 15
BEHEMOTH - Pandemonic incantations (Metal Mind - digipak) 12
BENEDICTION - Killing music (Nuclear Blast - CD+DVD - SEALED) 10
BESTIAL SUMMONING / HERETIC - Splitting skulls for Satan (Black Vomit) 10
BEWITCHED - Diabolical desecration / Encyclopedia of evil (Osmose - digipak) 10
BILSKIRNIR - In flames of purification / Totenheer (Darker than black) 8
BLACK ANGEL - Black angel (Yawar inti) 7
BLACK FLAME - Torment and glory (Eerie Art) 5
BLACK WOOD - For the mankind grief reunited (Thou Shalt Kill! - 246/300) 10
BLACK WOOD - Religious (Thou Shalt Kill! - 224/300) 10
BLAKAGIR - Nostalgia & Droga przed egzekucja (God is Myth / Black Plague) 5
BOLT THROWER - Realm of chaos (Earache 2005) 10
BROCKEN MOON - Mondfinsternis (Christhunt) 8
BRUJERIA - Brujerizmo (Roadrunner) 6
CADAVEROUS CONDITION - The lesser travelled seas (Perverted Teste) 5
CAED DHU - By tych co nami wladna postracac z oltarzy (Triumf / Terror Propaganda - 050/666) 7
CAÏNA - Caïna (Bubonic / Universal Tongue - digipak) 6
CANDLEMASS - Death magic doom (Nuclear Blast) 6
CANNIBAL CORPSE - 15 years killing spree (Metal Blade - Discs 1-2-3 only, no boxset) 5 each cd, 10 for the three
CARCASS - Symphonies of sickness (Earache - Uncensored cover - includes "Reek of putrefaction") 15
CARCASS - Necroticism (Earache - +2 videos) 10
CARCASS - Heartwork (Earache) 7
CARCASS - Swansong (Earache - slipcase - +1 video) 10
CARCASS - Wake up and smell the...carcass (Earache) 7
CELTIC FROST - Monotheist (Century Media) 6
CHEMIKILLER - Evil speaks (Autopsy Kitchen) 5
CLANDESTINE BLAZE - Church of atrocity (Northern Heritage) 9
CONQUEROR - Hammer of Antichrist - History of annihilation (Fifth Division) 15
CREPUSCULUM - Visions of the apocalypse (Odium) 8
CRIMSON MOON - Under the serpentine spell (Total Holocaust) 7
CRUCIFIER - Merciless conviction (Hell) 6
DARKESTRAH - The great silk road (Paragon) 7
DARK MANAGARM - Victorious march (Infernal Kommando) 7
DARVULIA - L'alliance des venins (Battleskrs) 8
DEAD CHRIST CULT - ??? (The Kether Crown) 5
DECAYED - Blasphemic offering - The singles 1993-2011 (Aphelion - Double CD) 10
DEAD RAVEN CHOIR - Cask strength black metal (Supernal) 9
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Fas - Ite, maledicti, in ignem aeternum (NED) 12
DENIAL OF GOD - The Dawn Of Aemizaez: Demos 1992-1993 (NSOL) 8
DENOUNCEMENT PYRE - Hells infantry (Forgotten Wisdom) 6
DEN SAAKALDTE - Ol, morke og depresjon (Aesthetic death - digipak - SEALED) 9
DEN SAAKALDTE - All hail pessimism (Avantgarde) Drill holes in backcover / Trade only
DESOLATION TRIUMPHALIS - Forever bound to nothingness (Aura Mystique - SEALED) 12
DESTRÖYER 666 - To the devil his due (KBTMT) 9
DEVASTATOR - The summoning (Old Cemetary) 7
DIABOLIC - Chaos in hell / Possessed by death (Deathgasm) 6
DIMHYMN / HYPOTHERMIA - Skuglig intention (Eerie Art) 10
DROWNING THE LIGHT - The fading rays of the sun (Obscure Abhorrence) 7
DROWNING THE LIGHT - The weeping moon (Obscure Abhorrence) 7
DR SHRINKER - Grotesque wedlock (Necroharmonic) 12
DUNKELGRAFEN - Im Schatten der Ewigkeit (Neon Knights) 4
EIBON LA FURIES - The blood of the realm (Code666 - digipak - SEALED) 8
ELISABETHA - Une Wirklichkeit erfüllt die Seele wieder (Black Attakk) 5
EMINENZ - The blackest dimension (Last Episode) 5
EMINENZ - Anti-genesis (Last Episode) 10
EMIT - Abortions (Autumn Wind) 6
EMPTY - The house of funerary hymns (De Tenebrarum Principio) 7
EMPYRIUM - A retrospective... (Prophecy - digibook) 12
ENOCH - Graveyard disturbances (Baphomet - digipak - SEALED) 5
ENSHADOWED - Messengers at the darkest dawn (Black Lotus) 6
ENSHADOWED - Intensity (Black Lotus) 6
ETERNAL TEARS OF SORROW - A virgin and a whore (Spinefarm) 7
ETERNAL TEARS OF SORROW - Vilda mannu (Spinefarm) 9
ETERNAL TEARS OF SORROW - Chaotic beauty (XIII bis) 6
EWIGES REICH - Zeit des Erwachens (Perverted Taste) 6
FATHER BEFOULED / HELCARAXË - Ruination of the heavenly communion (Enucleation) 10
FROST (Hun) - Extreme loneliness - Fragments (Paragon) 5
FROST (UK) - Cursed again & Talking to God (FETO) 7
GAUNTLET'S SWORD - Theosophy (Ewiges Eis) 6
GENOCIDE KOMMANDO - Black metal supremacy (Moribund) 6
GOATLORD - The last sodomy of Mary (NWN) 9
GOATPENIS - Semen 1992-Anno domini (Infernus Rex) 8
GOATPENIS - Trotz verbot, nicht tot (Death to Mankind) 8
GODLESS NORTH - Summon the age of supremacy (Merciless / Breath of Night) 6
GODLESS TRUTH - Burning existence (Deadsun) 6
GOETIA - Hail Satan (ISO666) 5
GORGON / OTAL - Split (Dernier Bastion - SEALED) 7
GORGOROTH - Destroyer (Nuclear Blast) 8
GOSPEL OF THE HORNS - The satanist's dream (KBTMT) 8
HATE SQUAD - I.Q. zero (GUN) 5
HAVOHEJ - Dethrone the son of God (Hells Headbangers) 7
HAVOHEJ - Kembatinan premaster (Hells Headbangers) 6
HEL - Tristheim (Det germanske folket) 7
HEL - Falland vörrandi (Det germanske folket) 7
HEL - Orloeg (Det germanske folket) 7
HELLOWEEN - The time of the oath (Raw Power) 20
HERETIC - Gods over humans, slaves under Satan (KBTMT) 7
HORNA - Ääniä yössä (Debemur Morti - A5 - SEALED) 12
HORNCROWNED - The rise of Satan's artillery (Goathorned) 5
HYPOTHERMIA - Veins (Insikt / Konklav) 12
IMMORTAL RITES - Art of devolution (Khaosmaster - digipak +2 bonus tracks) 6
IMPIETY - 18 atomic years satanniversary (Pulverised - SEALED) 12
INCRIMINATED / BLOODHAMMER - Split (Bestial Burst) 8
JUDAS ISCARIOT - Under the black sun (bootleg - 006/300) 10
KATAKLYSM - Live in Deutschland (Nuclear Blast - CD+DVD - SEALED) 10
KATHARSIS - Kommando metal (Goat Moon Worship) 12
KROHM - A world though dead eyes (Moribund) 9
KULT - Winds of war (Debemur Morti) 5
LAWNMOWER DETH - Billy (Earache) 7
LEVIATHAN - Tentacles of whorror (Moribund) 10
MANIAC BUTCHER - Live in Germany (From beyond) 6
MANIAC BUTCHER - Lucan-Antikrist (Azermedoth) 7
MARILYN MANSON - From obscurity 2 purgatory (Eastworld - Double cd - SEALED) 6
MASOKISMI - Häpeällinen siveysoppi (Bestial Burst) 6
MEKONG DELTA - The principle of doubt (Zardoz) 12
MITTERNACHT - The desolation of Blendenstein (Furias) 5
MOONTOWER - In the shadow of the wolf (Hell is here) 6
MORBID ANGEL - Domination (Earache) 8
MORBID ANGEL - Heretic (Earache) 8
MORMANT DE SNAGOV - Rise from the void (Wintersunset) 4
MORTA SKULD - Surface (Pavement) 8
MORTE INCANDESCENTE - ...Relembrando um tumulo esquecido (WTC) 6
MOTÖRHEAD - Live & loud! (Emporio) 7
MOTÖRHEAD - Anthology - Volume one (Carrere) 7
MOTÖRHEAD - Welcome to the bear trap (Castle) 10
MOTÖRHEAD - Essential noize: the very best of (Metro) 7
MUTIILATION - Desecrate Jesus name (Bootleg) 10
MY DYING BRIDE - A line of deathless kings (Ltd box - SEALED) 15
NAER MATARON - Skotos aenaon (Azermedoth) 7
NASTROND - Muspellz Synir (slipcase - Debemur Morti) 9
NATRON - Unpure (Nocturnal) 7
NIHIL NOCTURNE - Necrohell (Solistitium) 10
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Nechrist (Oriana) 10
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Of sculptured ivy and stone flowers (The End) 9
OBITUARY - Cause of death (Roadrunner - The Obituary Remasters) 8
ONDSKAPT - Dödens evangelium (Next Horizon) 15
ORPHANED LAND - Mabool (Century Media) 9
PARIA - Unchain the unclean (KBTMT) 8
PORTAL - Forthcoming (CDN / More Hate / Cadla) 5
PRAYER OF THE DYING - From the mouth of the passing (Nekrogoat Heresy) 5
PREVALENT RESISTANCE - To live again and dominate (Nykta) 7
PRIMORDIAL - The gathering wilderness (Metal Blade) 10
PROCLAMATION - Execration of cruel bestiality (NWN) 8
PROFANATICA - Collection (War Hammer - 687/1000) 25
PUREST - Renascence (Darker than Black) 5
RAISM - Aesthetic terrorism (KRON-H) 6
RAMONES - Live, january 7, 1978 at the Palladium, NYC (Sanctuary) 6
RAVENTHRONE - Endless conflict theorem (Avantgarde) 8
SABAOTH - Sabaoth (Hammer of Damnation) 6
SABBAT - Karmagmassacre (Iron Pegasus) 9 ON HOLD
SABBAT - Sabbatical 25 years kamikaze demonslaught (Deathbringer - A5 digipak) 20
SACRAMENTUM - Abyss of time (Century Media - double cd) 10
SAMAEL - Aeonics - An anthology (Century Media - slipcase) 6
SAMOMOR - Somnus stellae (Mater tenebrarum) 3
SARGEIST - Disciple of the heinous path (Moribund) Promo CD / Trade only
SATYRICON - Now, diabolical (Black Metal Attack) 7
SEVERANCE - What lies ahead... (Blackend) 6
SHADOWS LAND - Ante Christum (Osmose) 6
SIGH - Scenes from hell (The End) 10
SIGILLUM DIABOLI - 666 (Debemur Morti) 5
SLAYER - Seasons in the abyss (American) 7
SLAYER - Decade of aggression (American - Double cd) 11
SOMBRE CHEMIN / ORNAMENTS OF SIN - Durch Ruinen und düstere Kriegsfelder (ISO666) Drill hole in backcover / Trade only
SOUFFERANCE - Travels into several remote nations of the mind (Valse Sinistre - A5) 8
STORM LEGION - The eye of the prophet (Goatowarex) 7
SUMMONING - Minas Morgul (Napalm - first press "Made in Germany") 10
SUPREMACY - Le crépuscule des idoles (Eisiger Mond) 5
SVARTSOT - Ravnenes saga (Napalm) 8
TENEBRAE IN PERPETUUM - Antico misticismo (Debemur Morti) 10
THE BATALLION - Stronghold of men (Dark Essence) 10
THE DEVIANT - Ravenous deathworship (Candlelight - SEALED) 7
THERION - Vovon (Nuclear Blast) 7
THE SOIL BLEEDS BLACK - Alchemie (The Fossil Dungeon/Twlight - digipak) 8
THRUDVANGAR - Walhall (Einheit) 9
THRUDVANGAR - Durch Blut und Eis (Einheit) 8
TONDRA / NORDIC MIST - Split (Nunslaughter) 5
TORCHE - Torche (Robotic Empire / Rock Action) 7
TUMULUS SERAPHIM - Centenarians' divine lunacy (Beyond) 5
UNDERDARK - I am above all (Wraith) 5
UNDERDARK - The truth that lives (Battlelord) 7
V.A.C.K. - Vinland Anti-Christian Kommando (Sardonic Wrath) 4
V.A.C.K. - L'ombre de la solitude (Rusty Axe) 4
VALASKJALF / HRODVITNIR - Under the banner of vinlandic heathen might (Storms of Steel) 8
VARATHRON - The lament of gods (Pagan) 9
VENOM - Leave me in hell (Success) 8
VENOM - Darkest hour (Eagle - double CD) 12
VERIVALA - Kalliolle, kukkulalle (Nykta) 8
VILKATES - Angeldust and blasphemy (Last Episode) 5
VILKATES - Apocalyptic millennium (Last Episode) 7
VILLAINS - Lifecode of decadence (NWN) 5
VILLAINS - Drenched in the poisons (Aurora Borealis - digipak) 6
VINTERRIKET - Eiszwielicht (Aphelion) 7
VINTERRIKET - Winterschatten (Frostcald) 7
VINTERRIKET - Grauweiss (DVD - digipak - Aphelion - SEALED) 12
VINTERRIKET - Nachtschwarze Momente (Frozen Landscapes) 7
VITAL REMAINS - Horrors of hell (Century Media) 10
WATAIN - Casus Luciferi (SOM - digipak) 10
WATAIN - Sworn to the dark (Puverised - digipak) 10
WOJNAR - Jam synem orlim jest na wieki (Lost Reich) 7
WOLFSSCHREI - Torture of a human soul (Raging Bloodlust) 6
WOLFTHORN - 10 years in his name (Misanthropic Art) 6
WRITTEN IN TORMENT - The uncreation (None more black - 676/1000) 5
WYRD - Heathen (MMM) 12
ZAVORASH - Zavorash (Oaken shield) Drill hole in barcode / Trade only
ZORN - Todesschwadron (Black Attakk) 5
AKITSA / THE SHADOW ORDER - Guerre / Polemos (Splendour) 15
ALICE DONUT - Nadine (Alternative tentacles) 5
ANTHRAX - Make me laugh (Megaforce / Island) 4
ANTHRAX - Black lodge (Elektra - Ltd edition "Poster bag" - n°0777) 5
BEHALF FIEND / BLASPHEMIAM / GRAVE DESECRATION / BESTIAL HOLOCAUST ‎ The evil conquest world: The first possession (4 labels - red EP - 407/500)
BONE AWL - Night's middle (Klaxon) 12
BORIS - Japanese heavy rock hits #1 (Southern Lord) 6
BORIS - Japanese heavy rock hits #2 (Southern Lord) 6
BORIS - Japanese heavy rock hits #3 (Southern Lord) 6
CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - Your tomorrow (parts 1 and 2) (Southern Lord - NEUF SOUS CELLO) 8
CRUCIAMENTUM / VASAELETH - Eroding chaos unto ascending flesh (Hells Headbangers - splatter) 10 ON HOLD
DENIAL OF GOD / ABYSMAL GRIEF - Split (Horror - White EP ltd 200) 10
FRONT BEAST / RUINS - Split (Deathstrike) 6
FRONT BEAST / THY ASHES - Split (Self - Red EP ltd 100) 8
GRAVEWÜRM / DEVIL LEE ROT - Infernal Gates (Miriquidy / City of the Dead - 132/500) 6
HIRAX / VIOLATOR - Raging thrash (Deep Six / Black Devil - SEALED) 7
INCRIMINATED / THRONEUM - Split (From Beyond) 5
INFERNAL NECROMANCY - Freezing blackstained universe (Forgotten Wisdom) 5
INFERNO / CELESTIA - Bitva o měsiční trůn / Spectra (Sombre) 20
IRAE / JAZIGO - Ageless unlight / The ashes of misanthropy (Discipline / BCP - 103/150) 15
KRIEG / OPEN GRAVE - Resistance is futile (Regimental) 15
LORD BELIAL / RUNEMAGICK - Doomed by death (Aftermath - 297/666) 8
LYCANTHROPY / NESOUCAST STROJE - Split (a shitload of labels - Orange EP ltd 300) 6
NOCTERNITY / NASTROND - Split (Picture EP - Debemur Morti) 15
NUIT NOIRE - Delïrant fantäesy (Seedstock - Signed) 6
NUNSLAUGHTER - Cerebus (Hells Headbangers) 7.50
NUNSLAUGHTER / AGATHOCLES - Split (Selfmadegod - Red EP) 7
NUNSLAUGHTER / FETUS EATERS - Split (self - Ltd 300) 12
NUNSLAUGHTER / RADIOLOKATOR - Split (Doomentia / Korek - Ltd 300) 10
NUNSLAUGHTER / UNHOLY GRAVE - Split (Hells Headbangers - Silver EP) 10
SABBAT / DESASTER - Anniversarius (Necromancer - Black EP - Signed by Desaster memberz) 12
SABBAT / DESASTER - Anniversarius (Necromancer - Picture EP) 12
SABBAT / IRONFIST - Bloodlust regime 1942 (Necromancer) 12
SADOMATOR / MORBOSIDAD - Rites of desecration (Iron Bonehead) 8
SATANIZE / BLACK CILICE - Pactum diabolicum (Black Gangrene) 10
SLAYER - Cult (American - Picture EP) 20
SUICIDAL WINDS / THRONEUM - Necroblasphemies (Iron Bonehead) 6
VERIVALA - Unden aamun sarastus (Grievantee) 10
VERVIVALA / VULVA INFERNUM - Scars and worship (Debemur Morti) 9