
Horrible Roadway Crash

Gut Wrenching. A friend sent this photo of a horrible highway accident. The picture may be kind of hard to take for some of you. If you look closely you can see what appears to be some survivors of the accident still in the wreckage.

I know I upset some of you with the dog/porcupine pics, so those of you who are sensitive, turn away. Although the picture is horrible, it makes you realize how quickly our loved ones can be taken from us.

Thats such a god awful waste the inner alchoholic in us all cries out in despair at the site of that..

i seem to rememeber near where i live a beer truck went off a bridge into a river and beer was floating everywhere so tons of people went down to the river and raided it all, it becomes public property or something when its in the river i myself was unable to attend :(
One Inch Man said:
Consider yourself lucky, Grolsch is some good shit! Unless you don't like lagers.
Believe me I've tried this beer many times but I don't know.... I thought it didn't taste much.