Transatlantic/Daniel Gildenlow out - Ted Leonard in

I saw Clay pitch-in when they played Chicago over the summer......he did a really good job and I'm sure he will on the cruise. I'd like to see that set if I was on that cruise. Glad to hear Daniel isn't pushing it, that's when it can get worse. Feel better!!
For the record I've seen Metallica without James when he was hospitalized. And it still kicked ass. Anyways, we talked about just changing our name to Queensryche for this cruise. I hope everyone is cool with that.
Originally Posted by therabbitking View Post
Pain of Claymation. And yes, the whole show will be pre-recorded in in stop motion. And we'll cover the entire St. Anger album because Milton requested it.
Is it bad that I'd actually like to see this?

To be fair, it could not POSSIBLY be worse than the original.
In my defense, St. Anger was the first metal album I owned so it kind of holds a special place in my heart.
In my defense, St. Anger was the first metal album I owned so it kind of holds a special place in my heart.

I won't dock you points for being a relative newcomer to metal, because that's just silly.

However, owning St. Anger does lose you a handful.
The band did such an amazing job last week on Progressive Nation at Sea. Daniel should be proud of them. They were so good.

I only caught the second show they did...but that show had a funny and somewhat melancholy video that Daniel made from the hospital. He regretted that when life gave him the choice of a cruise to the Bahamas or a flesh eating bacteria, that he made the wrong choice. He was really sad to be missing out. He talked some about his treatment....and then introduced the band members. Lastly he wished us all a great show and hoped we enjoyed a Daniel-less Pain of Salvation.