transfer from ADAT to Pro-Tools


Northen Thrashing Madness
Mar 14, 2002
hello to Mr Sneap and to anyone who can help me out, i have this problem.. i recently recorded a band with a Mackie 1608, and during the recording process, there were some overloading of signals, mainly the drums and the vocals, showing in the ADAT recorder.. but we couldn't hear any clipping signals when burned down to CD-R. then when we tried to transfer all the 8 tracks to Pro-Tools, the signal was severely distorted in the Pro-Tools. Is this normal whenever i transfer it to Pro-Tools?? If so, then is there any way that i can solve this problem?? thanxs!
thanxs a lot Mr Sneap for your reply! well, that's what i though too, because when you burned in down to CD-R, there wasn't any sign of distortion or clipping at all. when the band transferred the 8 track to Pro-Tools, i was not around unfortunately, it was only last night that the guitarist of the band told me that the signals were severely distorted when dumped into Pro-Tools.. you said something anout tranferring digitally through the ADAT bridge??? i know a bit about the ADAT bridge, could you tell me what should we do when transferring stuff down to Pro-Tools?? thanxs so much for your help Mr Sneap!!
oh yeah, the overloading signals that i am talking about means that the signals showing in the ADAT are in the 'red' area, but it's not constantly there all the time though.. thanxs a lot again.
Perhaps you've already covered all of your bases as far as this goes, but you need to be sure that your PT session is running at the same bit/sampling rate as the adat. If there is a discrepency in these settings very nasty things will happen. If you are using PTLE then you are incable of doing 20bit sessions and ADATs come in 16bit and 20bit machines. That said if all of your sync settings are correct (PT's is slaving to the ADAT for transfer) I don't know that PT would even let you record mismatched bit rates (sample rates discrepencies would probably work but would have extreme pitch/speed problems when you played back the PT sesssion).
thanxs Egan for your help! well, we also did finally come on a conclusion that the BIT sampling is not compatitable when dumping the stuff down to PT... it could also be because it was transferred analogue rather than digital, and the other reason could be because the ADAT was not formatted properly?? but anyway, we roughly knew what could the problem be and these could be the few possibilities... thanxs a lot again.
thanxs a lot lot Any for your great help! i will keep that in mind and get it done just like you told me.. by the way, Arch Enemy's new album's production is superb!