

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
If you don't admit that the Transformers own every one of your family member's souls, including your own, you are wrong.

I had 1 GI Joe and 0457082140-9821304 Transformers, so you see where my loyalties lie... :D
80s Transformers reign uber alles. The original comics (from about issue #26 - 200-odd) amnd the film are bestr, along with the original toys. I always found the TV series quite embaressing :p

I remember her being a lot thinner... Thundercats still rule though. HOOOO!!!

I loved the Transformers.
Transformers forever!
Down with Go-bots.
: | :loco:
I had lots of He-man too. Used to watch Voltron a lot, but only had the 20+ New Voltron (the one made out of cars and planes and other crap), not the original lions, which were far more supreme.

Hahaha, I changed my avatar to Galvatron while wasted last night. :lol:
Movie & Toys = awesome
TV series (all of them) = crap
comics = average

I was excited when my friend's mom gave me a deck of Transformers playing cards last year for x-mas. It had one of those "hologram" images of Optimus Prime on the front where when you turned it he would either be in truck or robot form. I went out and bought the Megatron pack the next day.

Everyone jealous now?
"Optimus Prime, I didn't know you were Jewish!"
Yes... I am jealous. :(

What surprises me is that the Beast Wars got more love than any of the Transformers series, or even the movie.
That Beast War shit is an embarassment. Cheap plastic crap. The real Transformers could put a dent on a car and come out unscathed.

Did they have a TV show for them, the Beast Wars that is?
Yes. It lasted a few seasons with a game, toys, shirts, and what not.
Really was sad. They had Optimus Prime depicted as a gorilla. A gorilla!
And Megatron as a T-Rex. Sigh. =/
That's terrible, I didn't know they resurrected original Transformers characters. Blatant disrespect.