Here is the translation for the first video. The video clearly doesn't start from the beginning of the interview so they a talking about something that I don't understand... And like Burbot said, they talk mostly shit. But here's the translation, I'll translate other parts later (And sorry about my bad english...)
Alexi[I don't know what he is talking about]: The outcome is that we were 36 hours awake, and we were, you know, in some kind of place where you can't get to the other side of the land... So we were sitting on the assembly line something like 6 hours. Our condition was bad, we had a terrible hangover...
Interviewer: Ok...
Alexi: It was cruel...
Interviewer: I see. Let's have a little remind now, we have a competition running: so if Nils Gustafsson played at Machine Men [The interviewer means Bodom], what would he play. There has come a few answers but do you guys have an opinion about that question?
Alexi: I think it hasn't to be any instrument that has something to do with our band, it can be anything. But what would it be... Do you have any ideas?
Janne: Turbo-compressor... or a duck-pipe...
Alexi: That's good! But how about duck-shotgun?
Janne: Yes!
Interviewer: So we have Bodom's new live-record for award for the best answer...
Janne: Hey you almost dropped it!
Interviewer: Yes almost. Hey, do you want to hold this, because that way it would stay in one piece... So this is the regular award, but we also have an extra award for the best answer. Janne has draw a picture about Bodom.
Actually you could explain what is happening out there.
Janne: Ok! So here is The Reaper... This thing over there is a scythe... ummm.. I dont't know... Here is spelled "Machine Men".. ummm... You stupid friends just told me to draw something, I don't know what is in this picture!! Ok there is some forest... And yes these! These are the shoes of Nils Gustafsson!