

There is a rain falling
Feb 24, 2002
Canterbury, UK
Gday. I'm looking for a rad as Swedish sounding name for a band. Trouble is don't speak Swedish, so I wouldn't have a bloody clue. Anyone help me out?
Here are some words that you could translate for me, if anyone would be so kind :D


Stuff like that. I want to use Maelstrom, but chances are thats taken. I also thought of Ekstrom and Sieben.
Cheers fellows

Terror= terror
Earth = jord
Fire =eld
Disciple = anhängare (for this i am not sure,cause i am not 100% what disciple means.... :err: ) anhängare means supporter, it the same with disciple?
Originally posted by Melancholia
Terror= terror
Earth = jord
Fire =eld
Disciple = anhängare (for this i am not sure,cause i am not 100% what disciple means.... :err: ) anhängare means supporter, it the same with disciple?

Yeah, it´s the same with disciple...
Just wondering why you want to have a Swedish name for your band if you're english? No offense, but it kind of seems like that it's become kind of trendy to have a Scandinavian name now that black metal has become so popular.
I think that eld has been taken, but I'm not sure.
If you want the Danish names:
Terror = Terror
Earth = Jord
Fire = Ild
Disciple = Discipel or lærling. If you can't read the letter æ it's an a and an e combined. It's kind of the same as the German ä.
Not to big a difference from the Swedish names though.
Hmmm, if Kaffepaus means the same as in Danish....:rolleyes:
No offense, but it kind of seems like that it's become kind of trendy to have a Scandinavian name now that black metal has become so popular.

I agree. But the most pathetic thing is when bands from Italia, Spain and stuff write lyrics about vikings - in swedish or norweigian. Lame. I mean, they have their own history - use it!
Hey, let's write some lyrics about how other people don't like me, life sucks, school's out and so on! That's popular with all that Limp Bizkit and all that shit too!
"Now I know why you wanna hate me".
It's kind of the same with Danish rappers rapping about being a gangster, living in the ghetto. It all seems kind of corny.
I also think that I has become kind of trendy to write about vikings and stuff even though you live in Scandinavia. I must admit that when I only listened to metal (and especially black metal), I also was interested in northern mythology and that shit, but it's kind of like "Hey black metal is cool, so northern mythology, vikings and all that stuff is cool too!". Kind of like hip hoppers: "Hey, hip hop is cool, so people who can't make music themselves and have to tape over other peoples records are super cool too!".
Let's face it, metal is more or less the only music genre that has anything to do with satanism and I think it's the same thing. "Hey, Dark Funeral/Deicide writes about how cool Satan is and he's their best friend, so I think Satan is cool too!". It think this is as corny too!
Originally posted by Board
Just wondering why you want to have a Swedish name for your band if you're english?

Don't know really. I have always been interested in that language I suppose, and I think it sounds fucking mad. I love how any word looks.
Yeah I do agree with you though. Cheers for the contribution. I thought of one today - Sorksagen. I don't know if it is taken or anything, but I thought that sounded pretty rad.

What about Danish words? Like Rumpebarn or Nossehjerne?
Anyway, it's of course always cool to have a good sounding band name, no matter what language it's in. I think a name in Arabian or something would sound nice too.
By the way, Nagash (which is the name of the forme bass player in Dimmu Borgir) is also a common turkish boy name!
I wouldn´t use "sorksagen"...;)
And, well, if ya use swedish words like that you will most likely sound like a bad swedish punk-act ( like "moderat likvidation" ), or black metal band... Dunno if that´s what you want..:)