Trapped, about Days of the New

Poison Godmachine

Atheistic Existentialist
Feb 3, 2002
Berklee College of Music
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Did you ever hear what became of them? I heard that Travis was leaving the label and he was gonna do music not being on any lable or some shit like that. And that DOTN was going to still exist with the same members but it was going to be called "something, and the three jars of life" or something wierd like that. I read that in an interview with Travis right after they finished the RED tour. What have you heard?
didnt his band go on to form TANTRIC ? but then again, didnt travis put together a different band for each album anyway ??? i think thats what i remember my DotN-loving friend telling me, if so maybe that was just one of his ex- bands that made tantric
Originally posted by Poison Godmachine
Did you ever hear what became of them? I heard that Travis was leaving the label and he was gonna do music not being on any lable or some shit like that. And that DOTN was going to still exist with the same members but it was going to be called "something, and the three jars of life" or something wierd like that. I read that in an interview with Travis right after they finished the RED tour. What have you heard?

He was supposedly going to kill DOTN and for that "Purple jars" band or whatever, but i read an interview with him a while ago, where he said in relation to his albums "Orange was what the band wanted to do, Green was what I wanted to do, Red was what the media wanted me to do... the next DOTN (purple) is going to be all me again"

So hopefully it isn't total crap like most of red was.

Orange and Green are my favourites. Red's only got two good songs, giving in and Dancing in the wind. Awesome songs, on a crap record.
You don't like Red? :(
It might be my favorite.
Green is really weak at some points. Orange is just sweet and simple. I love em all but I must say Red is probobly my fav. If he is doing another Green-esk album though more power to him. That CD has the best vibe on it.
red has alot of pop rock songs... they are really light, not dark and heavy like the first, and not celtic like green...

I want a "Grorange" or a "Orangreen" album next :D