Trapped! Where do you get those wonderful toys?

Poison God

I am the Dog
Oct 24, 2001
New Jersey

I recall you using some outstanding emoticons/smilies on some threads. For example: the smiley throwing the computer. Where do you find these?! Thanks in advance


Way Hey :)
I just wanted to know where he got those cool emoticons from. I may not agree with Trapped all the time, but we ironed out our differences when we found out that I was being mistaken for another PGM. No need to start least not today =) Anyway, Crown, where did you get that one?!


PS: I found some sites with the animated smilies, but how do I paste them here?

Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
dammit Poison God, now YOUR one of trapped's bitches too?

Your just shit pissed cause no one calls you out and asks you qiestions. You r also shit pissed caused no one calls just to see how you are. We are friends pal...get used to it, or get over it. Greese your joints buddy, your so rusty your starting to SQUEEK! Tin MaN
How did you do that?! i find smilies, but when I paste the link, the link shows rather than the animated smilies. What am I doing wrong?

