Tremelo chops


May 22, 2003
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K, so anyone who knows anything about my guitar abilities know that they are lacking somewhat (this may or may not be an understatement). So anyway, I was really looking to get my tremelo chops up, seeing as I <3 black metal and all. My present speed picking is okay at best. So, experts, any tips/excersizes/easy songs to start with to this end?
take a power chord and a move them around the neck in a phrygian dominant kinda of shape while tremolo picking them. and by tremolo i mean as fast as you can. Also practice switching from alt picked palm muted notes to tremolo picking of a chord again, then to consecutive downstrokes palm muted to tremolo. i know this sounds gay but for wrist muscles development for your picking hand learning to play master of puppets with ALL downstrokes, and then blackened and arise works. This way your wrist will be ready for tremolo picking. tremolo picking songs
anything by Amon Amarth, negura bunget and other kvlt bands
It's not what anyone wants to hear, but just practice it as much as possible. You have to build up certain muscles to do it really fast for long periods.
Personally, I find anchoring to be critical to my picking technique, most of my movement is in the wrist and the thumb.
Here's a picture of what I mean when I say anchoring:

I also suggest watching a bunch of Vader live footage, Peter is one of the best at speed picking. If you practice with Vader's material, your speed should shoot up in no time.
It's not what anyone wants to hear, but just practice it as much as possible. You have to build up certain muscles to do it really fast for long periods.
Personally, I find anchoring to be critical to my picking technique, most of my movement is in the wrist and the thumb.
Here's a picture of what I mean when I say anchoring:

I also suggest watching a bunch of Vader live footage, Peter is one of the best at speed picking. If you practice with Vader's material, your speed should shoot up in no time.
i have to say that MIchael angelo batio and I do not agree with moving your thumb. for tremolo picking it is better to use your elbow and wrist, while holding your fingers the same throught the picking pattern. I also find tremolo picking 3 string chords without palm muting with anchoring impossible. Loomis doesn't anchor his hand while playing the final product intro, which is tremolo picked
First off. If you're gonna jump right into tremlo picking you need to stretch, warm up etc. Do arm circles to get the blood flowing throughout. Stretch your wrists by facing your palm towards you. With your opposite hand, grip your four extended fingers and pull them away from you. You should feel all th muscles in your wrist and forearm stretching and starting to warm up. This is detremental if you don't wanna pull something.

Second. Normally I would reccomend a metronome, but we're talking about black metal here. Basically start slow and build up speed by playing excercises like these..

-2--3--5---- -2--5--3--- --2---4---5-- -2---5---4-

I would say start off by playing each note 3x like a gallop. The practice at 4x per note. Then try 6x per note. Make sure you accent every note change with a harder pick stroke so you can kinda bookmark where you're at. Make sure you practice these on all 6 strings as well, for the sake of being versitile.

Then move on to excercises like these:

----------- ------------- ----------5------5- -----------3-----4
-------5--- -------3------ ------3-------4---- ------5------5----
-2--3------- 2--5----------- --2------2---------- -2------2-------

These are pretty much basic patterns that'll get you where you need to be. Besure to practice these all around the neck, high and low. The most important thing you need to when playing these excercises is RELAX your wrist and arm. Doing this will give you more stamina.

I'm done babbeling. Hopefully this was helpful.
play I Am The Black Wizards over and over

I think you were joking, but that's actually a good song to get your picking used least the Nightside Eclipse version and not the live version because the live version is quite fast.


I pride myself on my rhythm abilities, so I paid extra special attention every time I practiced for the past few may not work for you, but it worked for me...and there are few songs that I have trouble playing rhythmically as far as fast alternate picking goes. I just learned Do Not Speak by Anaal Nathrakh and it's much easier than you think. I'll just tell you MY personal method, and you can take it or leave it because everyone here is correct...just choose what you like. Here we go:

WARM UP FOR NO LESS THAN 30 MINUTES!!!!! Did you catch that? Let me repeat it again: WARM UP FOR NO LESS THAN 30 MINUTES!!!! I'm not talking doing fucking jumping jacks, either. Stretch for a couple of minutes and get loose. Then we have the Chromatic it. A lot. All the way up the neck and down, ascending and descending, back and forth for about 15 minutes...DOWN PICKED AT AVERAGE SPEED. After those 15 minutes of comfortable picking are up, you should start to feel loose in both hands and knock all the dust off yer fingers by then. Repeat for the next 15 minutes the Chromatic Scale, only this time completely alternately picked AND CLEAN! If you fuck up once, JUST ONCE, go all the way back and start over again. I recommend watching tv or something while doing this because it's quite boring, but it fuckin' works, I promise. Again, ascending and descending, up and down the neck for the next 15 minutes playing the Chromatic Scale. It stretches your left and right hands, which is great.

Positioning...the fact is, you want to use as least amount of elbow as you can because in 20 years you won't be able to pick up a guitar if you play straight from the elbow. You should be completely relaxed in your playing, no matter what position, however. Karl Sanders plays with only his fingers, rarely even moving his wrist. Many jazz players play that way and for more legato stuff and needing a light touch sometimes, this is a good method. I personally plant my hand where it needs to be according to the song. If it needs strong palm muting, I'll slam it down there, but at the same time I'm completely loose and comfortable. You want to feel as if you could do it all day long with little effort. If you're feeling pain or out of breath, you're probably too tense. That said, you've still got to do what's comfortable for you...I'm just trying to give you an idea.

Ok, so we're warmed up now. The next thing I do is choose a song that's a good warm up thrash metal song from the 80's...those are usually quite simple rhythmically and very dynamic at the same time. They usually are basic power chords with lots of tremolo picking. For warming up rhythmically, I first play Damage, Inc. by Metallica, then Hangar 18 by Megadeth, and maybe a couple of songs from my old band with our demo in the background. Every person is different, but I don't feel completely loose until about 35-40 minutes into playing. I can rip right into it cold, but sometimes I'll skip a down or up pick by accident if I'm not ready. You gotta remember that this isn't's extreme metal.

Solos are how you want. I prefer slow and melodic solos anyway, so I usually start out by playing Time and Mother by Pink Floyd...just the solo parts. Really easy stuff...then I move on when I feel a little more relaxed to the lead break in Opeth's "When"; I fucking love that solo. I suck at sweep picking, so I just alternate pick everything. After this, I'm good to go.

It's all up to you and what makes you comfortable. Pick and choose what works best for you...we're here only to give you ideas. Good luck and have fun!!!!
man many guitar players preach against using your fingers unless you play with an extreme amount of legatto. look at loomis and broderick, when they pick they move their wrist and just little their elbow for shifting strings. youtube is with me on this one., for tremolo picking.
tremolo=picking a note for its designated rhythm unit as fast as you can.
for example a quarter note, at 60 bpm should sound for a second and be picked only once
a quarter note with a tremolo indication, you pick that note as fast as you can for one second, be it 2 times, 69 times a million times. you can use tremolo picking in soloing too. hammett uses it all the time on old metallica (damage inc solo has some tremolo picking in that song, diffrent phrases in solos are tremolo picked (master of puppets, harvester of sorrow live sometime). *raises hand and points the middle finger at hammett haters. also for a strong ass right hand, play blackened all downstroke or arise all downstrokes (except the chugging). for soloing, i prefer to use as little picking as possible except when sweeping, but i'm learning to alt pick now for the fuck of it (to use in solo like lines on the low strings, necrophagist anyone?
I use my wrist when picking, I was just saying that not everyone does. For me, it's the easiest and best way to get a good attack on the strings.
Building speed and precision is all about the break-down of muscle memory and rebuilding your speed faster. Get a metronome, practice at a comfortable speed and as cleanly as you can, then up it a few BPM once you've mastered that, and so on and so forth.
As fucking gay as metronome practice is, the benefits are worth it. I fucking hate working with a metronome but after doing it for even 10 minutes I remember how beneficial it is because my chops are 10x cleaner than if I just started warming up and playing.
Unless you're Jason or Jeff or Muhammed, you have to work at it like the rest of us.
Sucks, doesn't it?
i have to say that MIchael angelo batio and I do not agree with moving your thumb. for tremolo picking it is better to use your elbow and wrist, while holding your fingers the same throught the picking pattern. I also find tremolo picking 3 string chords without palm muting with anchoring impossible. Loomis doesn't anchor his hand while playing the final product intro, which is tremolo picked

There are several ways to do it, anchoring is what works best for me. If you pay attention, you'll see plenty of people anchoring and using the wrist/thumb technique. Of course you can't trem pick 3 string chords without letting the anchor off, in that case you just let it go.
man many guitar players preach against using your fingers unless you play with an extreme amount of legatto. look at loomis and broderick, when they pick they move their wrist and just little their elbow for shifting strings. youtube is with me on this one., for tremolo picking.
tremolo=picking a note for its designated rhythm unit as fast as you can.
for example a quarter note, at 60 bpm should sound for a second and be picked only once
a quarter note with a tremolo indication, you pick that note as fast as you can for one second, be it 2 times, 69 times a million times. you can use tremolo picking in soloing too. hammett uses it all the time on old metallica (damage inc solo has some tremolo picking in that song, diffrent phrases in solos are tremolo picked (master of puppets, harvester of sorrow live sometime). *raises hand and points the middle finger at hammett haters. also for a strong ass right hand, play blackened all downstroke or arise all downstrokes (except the chugging). for soloing, i prefer to use as little picking as possible except when sweeping, but i'm learning to alt pick now for the fuck of it (to use in solo like lines on the low strings, necrophagist anyone?

I can't help but think that you don't even realize that he's talking about playing death and black metal rhythms, not goddamn legato shred bullshit.
Go on youtube and find the Loomis/Broderick solo duel video, and watch Chris' technique. I'd die for control/precision like that.
dude, i said IT IS OK TO USE YOUR FINGERS, BUT FOR LEGATO ONLY, that is why i suggest using your wrist, so you don't have to use legato or get artrithis. For tremolo use your wrist, and do not anchor, for fast alt picking, which is not chugging, but scalar solo like lines, if you watch broderick and loomis and smyth, they anchor their hands, but lightly and use their wrist and a little of their elbos. And ignoring legato as technique for the fuck of just playing "techincal" death metal is stupid. You can use legato in a thrash/death riff. the only one that comes in my mind is testament's DNR, destruction and dying fetus do it too, but i cna't recal the songs right now
dude, i said IT IS OK TO USE YOUR FINGERS, BUT FOR LEGATO ONLY, that is why i suggest using your wrist, so you don't have to use legato or get artrithis. For tremolo use your wrist, and do not anchor, for fast alt picking, which is not chugging, but scalar solo like lines, if you watch broderick and loomis and smyth, they anchor their hands, but lightly and use their wrist and a little of their elbos. And ignoring legato as technique for the fuck of just playing "techincal" death metal is stupid. You can use legato in a thrash/death riff. the only one that comes in my mind is testament's DNR, destruction and dying fetus do it too, but i cna't recal the songs right now

I don't ignore legato- you've made it sound like you're talking more about lead technique. I can assure you I've been playing long enough to know what I'm talking about. There are many ways to go about it, use what works for you. The guy asked for advice, and I offered some, then you jump in with this horseshit telling me the technique I use doesn't work because a few guitarists you beat off to use a different approach.

YouTube - Vader-wings(live)
Watch Peter's picking hand in this video- the techinique works, and you'd be hard pressed to find someone with a faster trem picking attack than his.