Tribute to Chuck Shuldiner

Morbid_Corpse said:
Why do people care if Chuck was a Christian??, for me as long as the music is good it doesnt fuckin matter...
exactly. that article bashing him is pathetic, because its grounds are not musical. they're bashing him for his alleged beliefs, which is subjective. and "christianity is the opposition of metal" crap? hell, on this site: Theocracy (Matt Smith) kicks ass, and so do other bands, whom if i called christian, many would question, but the elements are there. and it doesn't diminish the metal community one bit.
J Mann said:
I would definately not agree his lyrics post leprosy were retarded. In fact his lyrics pre-leprosy were probably the most retarded if one album had to be chosen.

As I said before, lyrics don't really matter, but since you had to bring it up: Early Death lyrics were fun. They weren't intellegent in any way, just good fun. Chuck's latter lyrical adventures are totally idiotic, I'm not saying that you have to be a lyrical genius, but he tried really damn hard to be one. The lyrics were stupid and they reeked of annoying pseudo-intellectuality.