RIP Chuck Shuldiner two years ago today

Well okay...

I care. I'm not really for sentimental 'let's raise our lighters' stuff, but disrespecting an honest, influential, really good, musician on his death anniversary to cancer is more than a little disrespectful. It should stop.

People should face the fact that although he might have "gone mainstream" or just not made music to their liking, but that is no reason to be a rectum sore about it.

On a side note, if ditching boring bullshit Bible-burning death emtal and progressing to melodic death/thrash with philosophical lyrics is going mainstream, the world's over.

Charubic Murder said:
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
That quote is inside the booklet to Death's TSOP album, just so you know. Cool coincidence...
anonymousnick2001 said:
That quote is inside the booklet to Death's TSOP album, just so you know. Cool coincidence...

That's funny because Chuck was a Christian and Nietzsche stood against everything Christianity is. Hehe, funny coincidence.
One of my managers actually had the honor of opening for Death in Philly during the Symbolic tour.

We were talking about Chuck the other day, just about how good of a songwriter and musician he was, on top of being a great guy. Eventually my maager wound up tearing up. That really hit me hard.

R.I.P. Chuck
why get so emotional over a man that you never knew?

I agree that that's about as sensible as weeping over a tragic story you read in a newspaper, and those are printed everyday. I am familiar with Chuck's talent and art, and thus I praise it. However, I never knew the man, and so I don't actually mourn his death, just as I wouldn't mourn the drowning of a two-year old I read about in a local story.
Charubic Murder said:
That's funny because Chuck was a Christian and Nietzsche stood against everything Christianity is. Hehe, funny coincidence.

err...? Deciding you don't have a problem with religion even though you don't have one and becoming a Christian are not the same thing.
Rottuated said:
Let's not be lame and smoke weed and drink beer to remember a FRIEND. That's just tacky...

RIP Chuck...

He's my hero, and inspired me in so many ways that it's not even funny. He's missed ever second of every day by me.

My accolades to you.
