tried out a bassist yesterday


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
after a few months of being bass-less, we FINALLY had someone come out to check out our practice yesterday. I had no idea what to expect, but the dude seems to have a good ear, gear, AND knows some shit about recording. We totally kicked it off and I can definitely get along with this dude.
I wish you luck with that man, when I was in my band in 2nd Band in GA (The Nuclear Option) we went through bassists like nobody's business... though most of them were guitarists playing bass so you know... they went off to do what they actually wanted to do and left us high and dry.

The original bassist in that band was pretty good though, but the drummer started a fictional fight between me and him (The Bassist, Carter.. who was and still is my best friend) so my vocalist was like "fix it" and Carter was looking for a job so I got my dad to hire him.. then my dad started a job in Florida and Carter signs himself up to work down there and we got stuck with no bassist... that sucked, my vocalist and 2nd guitarist were pissed.

That drummer was a douche :(.

Annnnyways, back to the topic. Good luck with that guy man, I hope it works out for ya, what kinda metal/rock/music/whatever you guys playing?

I'll check it out after work if I can remember to look up this thread (My memory sucks nutsack though P:() haha :D
