Tried something new, no amp (sim) this time...

Very crushing. Sounds like it could be a Boss HM2. I've also used Izotope Trash and gotten similar palm mute response, but nothing like THIS. Tell me how you did it. TELL ME!
So what did you use? or are you not a liberty to disclose such information? :goggly:

It's heading in the same sort of direction the tone on from mars to sirius by gojira had. Which i loved. even if fuzzy.
Not my kind of sound, but i think the second one would work well for stuff a la Amon Amarth, or old school DM a la Obituary / Six Feet Under/ early Entombed (and your riff kinda sounded like those bands), and even some grind a la Nasum / Deathbound...

First one was decent, but sounded like a fizzy 5150, and i don't like them so much metalcore-ish riffs :)