triggering midi via ezdrummer AND drumagog


Mar 5, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
so i just got ez drummer and i like the samples minus the kicks and snares. i'm running it through a vsti in cubase sx3 and wanna use drumagog to trigger the kicks and snares, how do i do this?
you have to do multi-out puts to differen't channels.. not sure how it does it in cubase. but... reaper outputs all the audio channels when you insert the virtual instrument!
It is not quite clear to me.

Do you want to use the sounds from EZD for recorded audio drumreplacement or do you want to use EZD as a "soundmodule" controlled by midi with a drumtriggerset/electronic drum?
I'm actually in a similar boat. I use EZDrummer currently (DKFH), and I hate the kick/snare...and I've actually been using seperate samples in Fruity and outputting them as .wavs. Then loading them into ProTools in seperate tracks along with recording the rest of the kit from EZ into seperate tracks in PT. It sounds decent but we have a huge archive of drum samples that i'd like to take advantage of. Does anyone have any experience using a drum replacer program like Drumagog to replace EZdrummer samples recorded into seperate tracks in Pro Tools? I feel like it should be as easy as loading drumagog as a plugin on each drum track and loading the samples....just haven't had the chance to try it.
I dont know anything about Pro Tools but perhaps my method in Cubase might head ya in the right direction. Here's what I did:

Take your Midi track and duplicate it for each instance of ezdrummer or drumagog (in my case I had one midi track for the cymbals and toms in ez drummer, one midi track for the kick in drumagog and one midi track for the snare in drumagog)

Now, edit your midi tracks so that only what you want triggering is in them (cut out the snare and kick from ez drummer's midi track and keep only the snare in your snare track and kick in your kick track)

Then take each midi track and set it to trigger its own program

For drumagog i had to create an audio track and load drumagog as a plugin and set it to trigger the note that's in the kick and snare midi files (you need a separate audio track for snare AND kick) and also you have to make sure that you set your midi track and drumagog to the same midi channel

and there ya go.
jesus christ that's a convoluted way of going about it

i do this:

create midi track

load EZD, output to the midi track

open EZD mixer, right click on the outputs for multichannel

kick to 1, snare top/bot to 2, etc. etc.

now if you expand EZD, you'll see the 8 different channels that EZD is routing into the midi track

slap drumagog on those individual channels and you're set
Yeah, but the thing with EZD is you can't control the bleed from the OH's so you still get the shit kick and snare coming through on that channel.
at the expense of the cymbal ambience, the kick/snares sound a ton better with the ambient/room mics muted in the EZD mixer. from there, some EQ/comp will get them good. but you'll lose the roomy depth on everything else.