Triggers > Midi > Drumagog


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Ok..just curious.
I have read that people without a problem put triggers into their mic pre-amps, and that's how they eventually trigger the drums in Drumagog.

I've done a search read through dozens of posts, but couldn't find my answer..

Would it work if I put triggers on my kit run them through a USB Midi adapter (4 or 8 channels, just depends) and then start drumming, will they hits be recorded into midi? And offcourse after that, will it be possible to edit it and put drumagog over it?

Just curious if that works, I don't have that equipment so I can't test...I actually want to know first if it works...if it does..I run out immediately and buy me one of the Midi adapters :)


damn I like the smilies..
Dude... I may be wrong here, but from what I was able to understand, triggers are just sensors that analyse a hit by either skins/cymbals resonance (to figure out the intensity) and hit-spot and send a midi signal with these informations to a trigger equipment (usually a rack) that will play the sample or do the translation to your PC by either a MIDI Cable connected thru your joystick port or an USB-to-Midi connector
Funky Animal said:
Ok..just curious.
I have read that people without a problem put triggers into their mic pre-amps, and that's how they eventually trigger the drums in Drumagog.

I've done a search read through dozens of posts, but couldn't find my answer..

You can plug the triggers´xlr plugs directly into the mic-preamps. Set the pre-amp gain na your´re set. That´s how i do it.
Triggers are much like microphones rather than sensors. If you solo the kick drum track you hear the other elements. Then you can replace with drumagog. Andy mentioned he sometimes mixes the trigger´s kick drum sound with the miked sound. I tried that and works great for metal.
Thanks for the replies..only I didn't get the correct answer yet :)

I'm just really curious if it possible to lead them through a USB-MIDI connected to cubase..and then that it will register the contact in the midi.

I'm really curious about that...simply because I'm limited to 8 channels on my recording :)..and have kit that's to big for 8 channels when I also need to insert triggers on there. That's why I'm curious if I will be able to run all the normal mics through the normal MOTU machine, and a seperate one with the toms, kicks & make some sort of a 50-50 mix or when needed completely done with the triggers (offcourse except for overheads).
You'll need a trigger to midi converter. Triggers just send an audio signal.
~BURNY~ said:
You'll need a trigger to midi converter. Triggers just send an audio signal.

So a Roland PM16 would work fine then?

But when I actually think of it...buying a Alesis D4 or Dm5 2nd hand for under a 150 euro and a single USB to Midi would be way cheapr then buying a Trigger to Midi converter & 8 channels USB to midi.
Funky Animal said:
So a Roland PM16 would work fine then?

But when I actually think of it...buying a Alesis D4 or Dm5 2nd hand for under a 150 euro and a single USB to Midi would be way cheapr then buying a Trigger to Midi converter & 8 channels USB to midi.

As long as it has MIDI out, then yes. The question is, does it output the midi so that it will be seperate "tracks" or MIDI files, or does it output the whole signal as "notes" on a single MIDI track? I'm not real up on MIDI, so that's just a question I thought of. It may not apply in this scenario.
nwright said:
As long as it has MIDI out, then yes. The question is, does it output the midi so that it will be seperate "tracks" or MIDI files, or does it output the whole signal as "notes" on a single MIDI track? I'm not real up on MIDI, so that's just a question I thought of. It may not apply in this scenario.

As far as I know the Alesis modules export them as notes...( CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM?)
But that is no problem since it is possible to configure Drumagog that you assign it to a not instead of a seperate track...
Andy Sneap said:
you need something like a D4 and usb midi interface yes.
Though why, if you have drumagog are you bothering with midi?

I got 8 channel recording.
This is what I have:
2 bass drums
1 snare
4 toms (worst case scenario 5 toms)
and 2 overhead
preferebly also 1 on hihat
that's all together 10 or 11

What I was playing to do is make good samples of my bass drum and snare. and let those go through the Alesis D4, also for security the toms.
I can then focus more on overheads instead of cutting down on them.
I use 2 china's, 3 crash...and 1 splah & mini chinese...(and a hi-hat)..

Next to that, I have a huge problem cleaning my snare drumtrack for drumagog, I don't know why but it never seems to work out like I want and as it needs to be...

Offcourse another solution would be to buy another MOTU 1224 and expand to 16 channels...but I think that's the most expensive solutions....