

Mar 29, 2009
I found this guy selling triggers on ebay and I was wondering if it was worth it - there are 5 total:
-3 bass drum triggers
-1 tom trigger
-1 snare trigger

My question is would the bass drum triggers work on any drum or would they be limited to a kick?
the ddrum pro kick trigger can only be used for kickdrums, since it is mouted on the tuning rim and bassdrum tuning rims are way bigger then tom/snare rims. and so is the trigger
kick trigger, can be mounted on any kick drum, never had a problem. rent/tomtomtrigger.jpg
snare/tom trigger, some older rims are not high enough, but can still be mounted to the small rims, you just need to be a little bit more careful.

but the snare trigger can be used for toms and tom triggers for snare as well... the only difference is a second transducer to pic up rim vibration caused by rim shots
Because i dont have the cash right now im gonna tell you what i would
do... or i would have bought them for this reason
BUY THEM!!!!! and sell 2 kick drum triggers fer 40$ with 5$ shipping EACH!!!!~~~ They go for 60$ each
BAM you made your money back and got a kick snare tom for free

Thats if they work perfectly :goggly: