Trilian Bass Module


Jun 24, 2011
Missouri, MO
I just recently purchased Trilian and will be installing it later tonight. I've been reading around the internet, while I'm at work eagerly waiting, on what bass I should choose. I've noticed that many people have said that there isn't much choice for metal bass.

So I was wondering what bass would be great to get a nice clanky tone. Something that really chugs. Does anyone have any recommendations? By the way, the first track I'm going to try it on is in Drop A# (A# F A# D# G C). Will Trilian handle low frequencies well?
I auditioned many different basses and the Hardcore Finger was by far the best metal bass with plenty of clank. I was extremely impressed. Trilian pulled off the drop A# tuning, which I originally had doubts about. My biggest problem was the tremolo picking parts sound robotic, but I found a thread on here that really assisted me in my humanizing adventure. I do have to say that Trilian has exceeded my expectations and now I have a very nice bass sound. It went from being the worst thing in my mix to being my favorite thing.
I like hardcore funk, it's a lot brighter than hardcore finger so i guess it depends on what tone u want for the specific song. Both sounds really good for metal/hardcore imo.