Triple Recto + 6505+ Mix in progress


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Started working on this earlier today. It's part of a 7-track EP which I'm mixing for the band. This is by no means finalized, or perhaps not even close to completion... I'd just like some opinions on how you think it's shaping up so far. It's very late here and I've been mixing for 12 hours straight now, so my ears are shot.

From what I can hear... I might need to make the drums punch through a bit more, and perhaps clean up the rhythm guitars a tad.

Vocals and vocal levels still aren't sorted, so that's a work in progress... the bass guitar is the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard in my life. I'm actually amazed I have it sitting as I do in this clip... if it's muddy, I'm willing to live with it haha :zombie:

Here it is:

Thanks guys!

I completely agree about too much presence on the guitars. I'm trying to work out which freqs to cut, but it hasn't been an easy job. I just can't really get them sounding quite the way I want.
I'd say that the guitars are overgained too. They seem to lose some body in the whole mix. Kick and toms could be a smidge louder IMO, though at times the kick sounds ok, so maybe just the toms? (that helps haha). The bass is abit wooly, but I won't hang crap on oyu for it :p Obivously vocals are something I can't really comment on, as the song has barely started.
I'd reluctantly say that the OH's are a little washy, maybe a bit too much compression?
Thanks guys. I may well have screwed up when tracking guitars but.. oh well, it's too late now. I'm trying to make the most of what I have here. The guitars above all have given me EQ hell.

I'll keep tweakin and hopefully have something the band's happy with soon...