TRIPTYKON bass sound


New Metal Member
Dec 22, 2008
Chambéry, FRANCE
Hi guys,

I'm mixing a band and the bassist is asking me for a bass sound like this one :

I think I got a good sounding bass in my mix & good mix itself, but it's this type of a guy : "yeah, it's awesome, but could you try this sound to see, because I love it" you know !!!

I've got 2 bass tracks : 1 clean DI Avalon U5 & 1 dist B7K
Bass is Fender 5 strings precision or jazz, don't know exactly

I've got thermionik + recabinet, tse, ampeg svx, free plugs like ignite, lepou, etc + few mixing plugs
I'm working with Cubase 8.5

I can't send tracks for you at the moment, but it'll be possibhle if you want to hear di, dist, or mix

Hope you'll be able to help me !
You should be able to get close with the B7K but it depends a lot on how it was recorded (huge dist or slight crunch ?).
Depends a lot on how the bass DI sounds by itself, and also how it was played.
But you should be OK with the classic DI Lo filtered track + HPed grit track.

If the B7K track is not distorded enough, try to get close with some plugins (Thermionik Recto might be cool for that kind of sounds).

Anyway, that's hard to tell without hearing any clip yeah.
Always loved the sound of that bass. The triptykon sound woks really well with the sound of the guitars on that record. There's a very present kind of fuzzy overdrive on it. Definitely try mixing the low end of the di with a filtered distortion track to emphasize the particular frequency range that will stick out compared to the guitars.