Tropical Storm Karen


Jan 3, 2003
Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Anyone else keeping an eye on this lady? I've been watching the Atlantic for a week now. After the 2004 shake up I don't want to have to deal with another Hurricane with its eye on PP. I'm sure it will stay far away from us, turning more north...long as it stays away from the Gulf...

I've already put work on alert just in case I have to change my travel plans again to avoid a storm. They laughed cause they remember the mad scramble I had to move my flight up in 2004 to Tuesday..... Flying INTO a Hurricane's path....:lol:

No sense worrying about that which you can't control. This thing may never make landfall, or could wind up hitting a completely different part of the country. Way to early to get concerned.

I had to move my flight up in 2004 to Tuesday..... Flying INTO a Hurricane's path....:lol:

Haha! :lol: I remember that PP. That was our first year. We drove down on Friday, smack into the middle of the storm in rush hour traffic no less. (I remember very well cause I was driving.) We didn't really know anything about Atlanta and ended up stuck in our hotel room with no hope of a delivery/take-out place being open, and nothing to eat or drink that night except a bottle of Jager and some chips and pretzels. :Puke: I'm surprised we had power ... course the hotel was probably on a generator.

But as other have mentioned, no sense worrying about things you can't control especially since there is probably only a slim chance at this point that this storm will hit Atlanta. Thanks for the heads-up though.
But as other have mentioned, no sense worrying about things you can't control especially since there is probably only a slim chance at this point that this storm will hit Atlanta. Thanks for the heads-up though.

Even if it plowed straight into the coast and beelined for Atlanta, it would take a powerful hurricane to make it this far inland (and uphill) and wreak a lot of damage. Rain, yep. Some strong winds, yep. Flight delays, sadly, yep. But Atlanta is well-placed inland to avoid all but the most powerful cyclones. (Tornados, though...we get those.)

Karen's pretty far away, and the farther north she heads, the less likely she will hit the mainland; the steering currents would push her around to the northeast.

(not a weatherman, but I played one in elementary school :))
karen is probably going to re curve and head on out to sea,no bubbles no troubles*

Get back to me on Tues when I can get a better look at the wind patterns