Trouble at The Cortionist/Loomis/Chimp Spanner/7 Horns show in Lansing


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
This morning I checked my Facebook and saw that a shitshow went down last night in Lansing, MI. From what I read, a local ran 30 minutes over time and the band and their fans started dousing people in lighter fluid and hitting them with baseball bats. The show got shut down before most of the touring bands could play. I don't want to post the band in questions name, because fuck giving them publicity. They shouldn't be hard to find though.

Was anyone actually at the show? Hopefully Zack or Aaron stop in to give their accounts.
What the fuck?! I can vaguely understand some shit like this going down at a big metal show or some sort of electronic show, but at a smallish gig within a pretty tight community? Fuck.
Shitty local band causes cancellation via Heavy Blog is Heavy

I’m not going to even pretend that I know all the details to this piece of news, but I’m spreading the word so the impotent rage of music nerds the world over can dispense some internet justice where they see fit. I want as many people as possible to know the reason that prog fans in Michigan were denied a killer show last night (July 17th) during the Lansing , MI date of The Contortionist‘s headlining Intrinsic tour with Jeff Loomis, Chimp Spanner, and 7 Horns 7 Eyes.

The band was a local act called, King. Here’s their Facebook for those curious (don’t bother; it’s like a mix of tough guy hardcore and nu-metal) or wanting to deliver internet justice. Here’s a few accounts of what happened that I pulled from Facebook (kept anonymous), so I’ll let the people who were there tell the story:

“So, these are the ASSUMPTIONS I’ve gathered from tonight’s show and what went down. There was an adjoining room where local bands were playing in between the nationals, and one of the bands who I won’t name was breathing fire, and pouring fuel on the floor and lighting shit on fire, so the smell got in the air ducts and the entire place reeked of lighter fluid. During the band’s set, people in the pit were getting unnecessarily violent and a few people ended up bloody. Even the owner of the venue was attacked. So, the tour manager felt it was no longer safe for the bands to be there so they packed up their shit. This is all word of mouth. The only thing I saw was bloody and angry people and all I could smell was lighter fluid so I walked outside. Now said band and the promo company is telling everyone on the event page that they are all faggots and pussies. Real nice. Don’t think I’ll ever go to a show there again…”

“Some band from Flint somehow ended up playing in between 7H7E. They over-ran by like 30 minutes, and when the sound guy tried to unplug them, a bunch of dudes threatened to kick the shit out of him. Some guys got beaten up, there were baseball bats (apparently) and barbed wire. Some kind of “gang” thing. Fuckin sketchy as hell.”

“So thanks to King for beating the shit out if everybody and making the contortionist and everybody leave. Go sell crack in flint and stay out of Lansing. You ruined a night that was supposed to top them all…”

“Thanks a lot, king; you and your douchebag fans used pyrotechnics (the smell of kerosene was overwhelming) and your lust of fighting, which led to Loomis not being able to play.”

“very unfortuante what went down in lansing tonight, it was suppsoed to be a great show and a party to celebrate the new The Contortionist album release, instead we get a shitty local band named “KING” ruining it for everyone by doing pyros and starting bloody fights, the tour manager decided to cancel the whole show for security reasons :(“

Meanwhile, Chimp Spanner apologizes to all the fans like a sir:

Just a quick message to all of you who traveled to Lansing to see us tonight – we’re absolutely gutted the show couldn’t happen. The safety of the bands, and you all, comes first. We will be at Blondies on August 5th, so if you can come (again) it’d be great to see you and have a belated beer or two with you all. Thanks for being so cool about it, and especially to those of you who still managed to walk away with a tee shirt or two. ♥ you guys!x

This whole situation just boggles my mind. Not only were they completely unprofessional, but they behaved like children and likely put a dent in the wallets of internationally touring musicians who needed money from ticket and merch sales to keep doing what they’re doing. King, you and your tough guy fans can go fuck yourselves, and hopefully promoters in and around Michigan will know better than to deal with you ever again.

More info if and when we get it.

- JR
have those dickbags never heard of what happened with great white and the 100 people that were killed when they burned a club down?

the fire thing alone should prevent those guys from ever getting another gig again...
I've played a show with this band before. They basically bring a "crew" with them. The fans get rowdy and start fights. The show I played with them was about a month ago, the usual incidents happened, cops showed up and ended up having to use mace. Needless to say, most Michigan venues/promoters know about them and will never book them.
we had a band like that here called bad luck 13 or something silly .... they didn't last very long

problems like this usually sort themselves out in a Darwinian sense
They're blacklisted from just about every venue around here. There was a youtube video from one of their shows that shows them throwing part of a dead deer carcass into the crowd, along with what appears to be a dead cat in a plastic bag, but the video is private now. Their crew is full of 16-26 year old people that are going nowhere in life. Catch one of them by themselves and they won't do or say shit, they're only tough guys when their friends are with them.
I've heard a few people say they're alright dudes, but then again I've heard of a few incidents of them beating the shit out of people. The violent tough guy image doesn't cover up shitty music.
It was definitely a crazy situation. My band (7H7E) had just finished our set. I went outside to cool off a little after as Jeff's band, and chimp are all sharing a lot of gear so it is easier. When I was outside people started coming outside with black eyes, gashes and just over all totally messed up. The first kid I saw had his upper lip split in two!

It took the cops forever to show up. When we went back in, it smelled of gas/lighter fluid so strongly you had to hold your breath to get our gear out.

Nobody else from our tour package even played. Shitty night for sure!

I will try to upload some pics but I am on my phone now. If someone wants to email me a reminder I will upload them either from the venue or from the hotel
Welp, this band will never be playing at my venue, I just sent an email to our talent buyer with a link to the article, what a bunch of disrespectful little assholes