Trouble at The Cortionist/Loomis/Chimp Spanner/7 Horns show in Lansing

What douchebags. All you really can do in these situations is just move on. Unfortunately for them, I doubt they'll ever get signed or even a inkling of any professional contract sent their way after how destructive, careless, poor attitudes, and unprofessional they are. I hope they disband sooner than later.
Sounds a lot like the FSU sub human culture up here in NY. Those stupid fucks got shut down though. haha

Yeah bro lets get together and go full retard!

I remember a few years ago (around 6-7 or so haha), people got tired of stupid assholes kicking kids in the face at shows. So as a way to say fuck you, people showed up with permanent markers and just held them out. There were people with fucking marker all over their stupid scene shirts and face.

Just fantastic. Don't go to shows to kick and punch people, it's not rocket science.
Well, if i had a chance to go to a show that badass, and some shit local band pulled shit like this, id to what they did to Dir En Grey at family values 06 in Nashville, i would fill up my socks with rocks, pour 100 proof vodka on it, set it ablaze and lob it right into their band's drummer's lap :D

am i the only one that thinks criminal charges should be filed against King? they need to be castrated

also....Contortionist spelling FAIL in the title xD