trouble mixing kick.


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2011
hey guys, ive read a lot about how people mix their kick to make it sound punchy and full, and i just cant seem to do that. it always sounds very hollow and empty. any tips? i am looking to learn so you dont have to straight up tell me what to do. thank you.
Usually once a kick starts sounding hollow, it means you've scooped away to much of the low mid region. I generally find the mud people are talking about when saying "scoop 250Hz" is the result of the 2nd and 3rd harmonics of the drums Fundamental Frequency. for example, a lot of the slate kicks fundamental is at around 60Hz, so you'll find a lot of mud at 120, 240 and 480. Have a sweep around with a tight EQ, should become pretty easy to find.

After you've cleaned up the kick, heavily compress it. This is what people generally mean when they say Limit (as once you're over a 10:1 ratio you're technically limiting), slow attack, fast release. The add any coloring EQ / saturation / subharmonic enhancement to make it pretty.

I absolutely love the Waves SSL channel on drums. It's so tried and tested, but makes me happy in some many ways!
I wonder if this is what I have been missing with my kicks. They are soooo close to what I want but I always feel like other people's productions always seem like the dude hit the drums harder than mine or something.

are you guys limiting your snares too???
i limit L/R room... but multiband on snare (just caping the transients).

depends on the situation but my typical (starter) chain is:

tracked snare+blended sample - subtractive eq - transmod - multiband comp (mild) - clipper (either converter clipping or software clipping)
interesting! I've had good results with transmod on the kick but not on the snare. gotta dig in deeper I guess! are you using it to get more low-mid punch?
hmmm when 60hz is fundamental, 120, 180 etc are good freq not bad if i think correctly right? and should not be cuted
hmmm when 60hz is fundamental, 120, 180 etc are good freq not bad if i think correctly right? and should not be cuted

I just found from sweeping around to find boxy / muddy frequencies that they usually ended up being around these areas, its a bad idea for other instruments but for some reason the kick likes having a clear first harmonic, guess thats just my findings though.