Trouble with guitar :(


I guess it depends on where the problem is. Can you imagine tunes in your mind and just not get it onto your instrument? Or can you not come up with anything at all?

Recording is what I find is the key. Record yourself mucking around. Sometimes you will be surprised when you play it back and find you can build an entire song around a different idea.

1 year, in my opinion, is not a large amount of time to be playing guitar. So I would definitely suggest working on technique. Work on technique and record your self mucking around. If focus is a problem, you could try doing what I do, and that is having organised playing sessions. Spend a certain percentage of time on technique and then a bit of time mucking around. If you think your in the right frame of mind, record your mucking around and review it later. Keep clips of stuff that you like and then later you can start building variations, themes etc.

I started writing music on my Amiga using fast tracker when I was 12. Nearly everything I did was crap, but experimenting was the only way I learned. And 200 Compositions later I feel I have developed a song writing technique.

The more you experiment with song writing, the more you will notice in other peoples/bands song structures. Then you will be able to learn from other experienced song writers as well.

So I guess my suggestion (being a self taught musician) is to be organised. Practice. Practice. Experiment. Practice. Record. Review. Practice etc... :)

[ed - Argh! Spelling error. Damn inferior Taiwanese keyboard!]
Hey there! I've been playing guitar for a year now, too. I know how you feel-I have no idea how to write my own music, either!

I reckon your best option is to log onto , and learn a few tracks from your favourite bands-hopefully, you'll pick up techniques, scales, structures and such that they use, and be inspired! Read interviews on your favourite guitarists (preferably in guitar magazines, as opposed to a general music magazine) and pay particular attention to techniques they say they apply to their playing. In some guitar magazines, they have 'guest lessons', where they show you a lick or two in the style of that particular guitarist.

Some pretty naff suggestions, I know, but hey, I'm a newbie...that's my excuse!
just keep day you'll get there. writing songs takes practice just like playing guitar. u know what i mean? :Smokin: :Smokin:
Grab some tab and learn some of your favorite songs... listen to how some of your favorite bands structure music... riff1, riff2, riff 3, bridge, riff1, riff 4, chorus, etc...

Sometimes writing your ideas like that out, not even in tab, but breaking it down by riffs and measures will help you figure out how to finish a song, and will also help you visulalise the composition as more than just 5 minutes of sound that you're trying to put together.

Hope that helps.