Troubles with VSTs in ProTools


Mathew Cohen
Anyone else having trouble getting VSTs to load in ProTools with the wrapper?

I'm trying to get some of the free amp sims (Wagner, SoloC, 7170) to load... and the wrapper appears in the plugins folder, tried deleting prefs, just went and removed all my VSTs from the folder, minus those 3 amp sims... the only amp sim that seems to want to work in Juicy77...

I'm at my wits end trying to figure this out... those are the only VSTs I have that will not wrap... wtf, mate?
What interface are you using?? AFAIK Reaper supports just about everything.

True dat... I'm using the Digi002... and I just recorded a test clip with the amp sims... Reaper is fucking weird coming off PT... I can already tell I wont like it... plus, I couldn't figure out how the midi works...

So for now, I may do everything in PT and just out-source to Reaper with the DI tracks to mess with amps sims... stupid-ass workaround, but I'll take what I can get for now...
Well, for me it's pretty intuitive to use, but I've never used Pro-Tools for more than just a session or two. In my experience I've found Reaper to be a lot more stable (and faster) than other DAWs though. I'd say mess with it for a while longer and see if you can get used to it!
These plugins are stereo only, i got them working in Pro Tools by doing the following: Create 1 mono aux track and route it's output to a stereo BUS(1-2), then create a STEREO audio track and select the same bus (1-2) as it's input. Put the plugins to this stereo audio track.
These plugins are stereo only, i got them working in Pro Tools by doing the following: Create 1 mono aux track and route it's output to a stereo BUS(1-2), then create a STEREO audio track and select the same bus (1-2) as it's input. Put the plugins to this stereo audio track.

I just realized that not five minutes ago... haha... :cry:

While I don't understand what it is you just typed, I will read that again tomorrow when I am more comprehensive... THanks!

Here's what I've mustered up with amp sims while half asleep if anyone cares...
vst 7170 and soloC works on protools. try change stereo to mono settings in wrapper for mono tracks.