troubling guitar technique


Packed with death
Jan 19, 2005
London, but not from
Hey just wanted to know if any of you also have troubles with the following

D--- 15-14-12----14-12 -------12
A-------------15 ------- 15-13 ---- 15 13 12

im sure some of you know the rest of the patern

My problem is with going from the forth to the fith note with speed. Its always a dead note becuase my pinky on the A string fretting 15 mutes the bottom string when I have to play fret 14 with my ring finger. Playing it with speed is impossible because i cant get my pinky out of the way quick enough. I can play it fast when im not using my pinky finger (only first 3 fingers) but then there is a tough transition because the patern requires 4 fingers :P
DeathPact said:
Hey just wanted to know if any of you also have troubles with the following

D--- 15-14-12----14-12 -------12
A-------------15 ------- 15-13 ---- 15 13 12

im sure some of you know the rest of the patern

My problem is with going from the forth to the fith note with speed. Its always a dead note becuase my pinky on the A string fretting 15 mutes the bottom string when I have to play fret 14 with my ring finger. Playing it with speed is impossible because i cant get my pinky out of the way quick enough. I can play it fast when im not using my pinky finger (only first 3 fingers) but then there is a tough transition because the patern requires 4 fingers :P

try arching your fingers more to get rid of the muting problem, i tried this and didnt run into any trouble, but the whole wording of your question confuses me:confused:
instead of playing slow from the begining play the fastest you can without messing it up and work down. i do that then when i play fast it is at a faster lvl. and correct. but im wierd tho
those types of licks arent all that difficult, its when you get into 7 string extended sweep and tap passages....that's when you see what hell on guitar is!