yes, everyone seems so overjoyed. it looks like someones asked if ''anyones just farted'' and they're all looking down like, 'its not me' the 2nd guy on the left did though, you can tell by the almost cheeky grin.
Aye Some people are so happy when I wear BMD shirt with big penta on it. One old farter asked me what da hell means the dead bird under "satanic sign". Said him that this greenpeace shirt is about poor birds on wires, blah blah blah...
heh, same here.
well, i'm not running across old people that often at the university though. but once i met an old lady that really liked the old katatonia logo (was wearing the t-shirt that day) - because of the ornaments, shape, etc. she said, sure she wasn't aware of what it's all about.
when i wear my katatonia t-shirt saying "we die we all" people at my school walk around trying to read what it says, so i've been told it kinda looks as if theyre checking out my ass :