Try To Slay

Dream Theater just feels too sterile music to me.. I know it's not their weird -what's the word in english?- timing (?) 'cause I truly admire for example Meshuggah. Yes, just too musician-oriented stuff for me.
Originally posted by Mariner
is it? and i call myself a fan...:cry:
Blaze? He isn't old and certainly not tired! His latest work is pretty good, I wont buy it, but anyway...
with savatage? strange, didn't hear a thing about it...
what was he doing, singing? then it's not Blaze but another guy called Chris Caffery but he is pretty young too (looks a bit like Blaze though)

January 2002, Savatage, Vicious Rumours and some other band which I was talking about in the previous post... I really can´t remember the name.. A friend of mine told me that that guy was with Iron Maiden long ago... small with an ugly baseball cap (probably bold?).. whatever.. he sucked *g*. Although there were some fans who really said that it has been a great concert.. :confused:
Originally posted by sol83
I've answered on maiden on another thread.

Dream Theatre would be adorable if they had a different singer and cut down the keyboards a lot. (BTW they played live in Athens yesterday)

and today they are gonna play here..if there is someone who would mind :p
Okay, you may not like people that are singing then... :p If you hates Rhapsody and Dream Theater it's quite obvious, no?
Originally posted by Don Corleone
DT would be amuch more appreciated band with a better vocalist. but i must say labrie is very good live. .
Could be :o , it's probably people are not used to a voice like his...

333! the number of a half beast! Hell and fire are not yet released!
Originally posted by Mariner
Could be :o , it's probably people are not used to a voice like his...

333! the number of a half beast! Hell and fire are not yet released!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

about labrie...sometimes his vox really get disturbing! check out them out on "the glass prison" where he says something like "leaving the glass prison wall behind me..." man, it is really annoying.

however, listen to the guy from pain of salvation (what was his name)...very smooth vocals. and he can manage a high range!
Just downloaded a bootleg from Paris with Dream Theater playing The Number Of The Beast album... And frankly I was disappointed... Having heard the magnificant work they did on covering Master Of Puppets, and comparing this to The Number Of The Beast, it seams like they've totaly fucked this one up... I loved the Dream Theater's edition of Master Of Puppets, but hate the Number Of The Beast cover. Maybe it was because they were on a bad day... Maybe some other reason... But one would think that The Number 0f The Beast being played by Dream Theater would be really great...

Any of you heard the cover? I'd like to listen to your opinions on this...

Take care :)