Trying some new drum samples

I love it mate, The guitar tone is unusal, Really like it though. All sounds real clear and percise, yet theres a dirty edge there if ya know what I mean. Nice one mate. (Good riffage to :headbang: ).
I used drumagog to replace the kick and snare. Guitars are Revalver MkII. Haha here we go with the treble again. I listened to it again and now I think it's almost not listenable.. It's figgin' piercing. I wonder why I tend to make everything so damn over trebleish nowadays. Maybe my ears aren't as they should. My previous stuff doesn't sound like this at all heh. This is really annoying, and I'm starting to feel a bit concerned.
I wonder why I tend to make everything so damn over trebleish nowadays. This is really annoying, and I'm starting to feel a bit concerned.

I have a similar or had a similar problem with making my drums trebley as hell...I think it was like "It needs more presence and more of that in your face sound" then the cymbals would just tear the carpet up. Not having monitors dosent help haha!

I wouldnt worry about it, uve got a kick ass sound right there and with ur bits of tweakings it will sound sweet :D :headbang: