Trying some new stuff (Revalver MKII + EZD)

Ok, here's the latest song I've done, and I would really appreciate some feedback and suggestions: 7.mp3

Personally I find the guitar tone too thin, but I just couldn't get it right no matter how I tried :/ Overall the mix could use some more low mids to make it fuller. I might try adding some supporting synths, maybe they'd help.

Any thoughts?
Can u give some more details? Impulses used, how many guitar tracks, panning...

I think guitars are a bit fizzy and far (the same problem of all ampsims...). Try to cut around 5kHz and add some punch on guitars.
In the central part, guitars are a bit untight, but probably this is just a test, so, no problem.

Nice riffs btw, I like the song
Personally I find the guitar tone too thin,

If I'm not mistaken "Sarka - Syntinen v2.mp3" was posted here by you ?

IMHO you have successfully achieved the ultimate high gain tone in that clip, so just use presets that I'm sure you saved when you were making it.
Can u give some more details? Impulses used, how many guitar tracks, panning...

I think guitars are a bit fizzy and far (the same problem of all ampsims...). Try to cut around 5kHz and add some punch on guitars.
In the central part, guitars are a bit untight, but probably this is just a test, so, no problem.

Nice riffs btw, I like the song


There's six tracks of guitars total, four separately played. It was played with an LTD EC-400 to a Firepod from where the signal went to Cubase SX2. In Cubase I ran all of the four tracks through Revalver MKII with the preset I posted in the other thread (minus some mids), and processed the two outer tracks with GuitarSuite to get some more punch in there. The tracks were panned 100% (Gsuite), 80% and 70% (Revalver). Of course, all the guitar tracks were routed to a C4 :)

Mutant said:
If I'm not mistaken "Sarka - Syntinen v2.mp3" was posted here by you ?

IMHO you have successfully achieved the ultimate high gain tone in that clip, so just use presets that I'm sure you saved when you were making it.

Yup, I posted that one, and I'm really glad to hear that. Thanks! I've always liked that tone but I felt like something was missing, but I guess I'll be going back to that one :)

I'll try your tips and post a new version later!
All 4 tracks with the same impulse? If not, try 2 center and 2 edge, as I said in the previous thread about 5150.

I can't find that "Syntinen v2" on the forum search function... where is it? on FTP? I want to hear the tone!
All 4 tracks with the same impulse? If not, try 2 center and 2 edge, as I said in the previous thread about 5150.

I can't find that "Syntinen v2" on the forum search function... where is it? on FTP? I want to hear the tone!

Oh, sorry, forgot to mention! :) I used different impulses for both pairs of tracks, they were the JJ impulses you suggested.

Here's the song mentioned: - Syntinen v2.mp3

It was posted in the "Mesa traditional impulses to try" thread, here's what I wrote there:

I recorded four tracks of guitars. Two 100% left and right, and two 80%. The 100% tracks had a Guitarsuite Boss SD-1 (gain ~1, Tone ~5, Level at max) going to Revalver MKII (I lost the settings, but it was basically the Kitty amp model on Modern channel, bass tuned a bit down and middles a bit up, and presence on 5, going to Revalver's own impulse section running the Between-impulse). The 80% tracks had also the SD-1 (settings about 5, 5 and 8) going to Guitarsuite JCM900 (channel B, drive 8.2, low 2.6, mid 7.2, high 8 and presence 6). The guitar tracks were then sent to Waves C4 with the Sneap preset and a little eq (cut the lowest frequencies and also a ~3dB cut at around 1000Hz).

The guitar I used was an LTD EC-400 with an EMG81 in the bridge position. Since I recorded that one quickly at home, I didn't have a DI, just a cable from the guitar to the 3,5mm line-in of a SB Live! 128 That's the reason to the nasty buzz.
Thats so cooooooooooooooooooooool man!
Great tone!!!
I want to see you on the Guitar Amp Modeling forum... :D
Ok, here's the latest song I've done, and I would really appreciate some feedback and suggestions: 7.mp3

Personally I find the guitar tone too thin, but I just couldn't get it right no matter how I tried :/ Overall the mix could use some more low mids to make it fuller. I might try adding some supporting synths, maybe they'd help.

Any thoughts?
what kick sample did you use?
Better but still not as good as that old clip.
Maybe you should use your sblive128 instead of the firepod ! ;) :lol:

Haha, yeah :) The thing is, the signal recorded through the SBLive turned out pretty good in that particular song, since the guitar parts are very simple and clear. The signal had a nasty muddyness and overall it lacked a lot in the high end, but it made the sound quite crunchy in a nice way. Unfortunately if you tried it in a song with just a bit more complicated parts or chords with more than two strings, it sounded just plain crap :) The Firepod makes the signal a lot more bright and clear, it's gonna take some time to get used to it.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions, much appreciated!

EDIT: Ok ok, I know this is getting pretty annoying, but bear with me :) I had one last try with this, since it really kept bugging the hell out of me. I basically started over with the VST-amp processed guitar tracks and did all the EQ and compression from scratch. At least the mix sounds more powerful now, here's what I ended up with: 9.mp3
EDIT: Ok ok, I know this is getting pretty annoying, but bear with me :) I had one last try with this, since it really kept bugging the hell out of me. I basically started over with the VST-amp processed guitar tracks and did all the EQ and compression from scratch. At least the mix sounds more powerful now, here's what I ended up with: 9.mp3

I don't like the way the drums sound (too much top end in the cymbals), but the guitars KILL!!! :headbang:

I am ordering Revalver today, haha!!!
I don't like the way the drums sound (too much top end in the cymbals), but the guitars KILL!!! :headbang:

I am ordering Revalver today, haha!!!

Thanks! Yup, I noticed the annoying high end after I had taken a couple hours of break from listening and went back to it. But since that's easy to fix and this song isn't going anywhere just now, I thought I might just leave it so 'cause I'm pretty happy with everything else in it now :)
the latest version sounds really awesome. so what did you end up doing to get it to sound like this?

Cheers! Basically I just started from scratch. I nulled all the eq's on the guitars and removed everything (compressor and eq) from the master channel. I then thought that what the hell, I could try Colin's tips from the "EQ on rhythm guitars in mixdown" thread ( That made the guitars sound a bit better, but in a way really nasty, since the "recorded" tone in itself was quite bright. So I used Colin's tips as a starting point and fiddled around until it sounded somewhat right, and then put a C4 with Sneap's settings on the guitar bus. I then put an L2 and Steinberg's Multiband Compressor on the master channel and dialed in some reasonable settings to get the whole mix sit better together. Basically the guitar tone got more mids and therefore some more punch, and I tried to glue the instruments together a bit better. That's pretty much it, go ahead and ask if there's more :)
ok, thanks, so I guess all the punch that was lacking a bit in the former versions came back by using eq and multiband, just two more questions
1. on the final version, you still used a combo of revalver and guitarsuite, right? 2. what impulses were used in the final version?
ok, thanks, so I guess all the punch that was lacking a bit in the former versions came back by using eq and multiband, just two more questions
1. on the final version, you still used a combo of revalver and guitarsuite, right? 2. what impulses were used in the final version?

Yeah, that's about it. Most of the missing punch was (I guess) due to excessive midrange cutting. In the final version the impulses used were Guitarhacks original "Mesa traditional between". And yep, it was Revalver MKII panned 100% L&R and GuitarSuite on 80% :) But notice that Revalver was still boosted with GuitarSuite's TS emulation.