Trying to decide which Borknagar song we should play on next episode of MSRCAST

Traveller. I loveee that song!

You should definitely choose from the Vintersorg era, if you're going to play a band, you're promoting them, and you should promote them as they are now.
George said:
Nice advertising.

It's a message board. :tickled:

But I advertise, everytime I post, it's in my sig.... :loco:

In all honesty, this is just a problem of choosing vocalists to play... I don't follow that particular ideology that karpsmom pointed out. If I did, we would play current cds all of the time, and there are plenty of bands who suck now compared to what they've done in the past.

EDIT: That being said, I have decided to play something from Epic... believe it or not, plenty have not heard it.

It's between "Resonance," "Origin" and "Future Reminiscence"