trying to route a Finalizer through Nuendo...


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
And, I'm not getting it. The manual for both the Finalizer and Nuendo are getting me nowhere.

I'm able to send the audio out to the Finalizer, but I can't get it back into Nuendo to record the audio routed through it.

Can anybody give me some snapshots of how you have it routed?

I'm using Nuendo 2 BTW...

Really need help here! Thanks!
^This is what I did and no dice. I can see that the Finalizer is receiving signal as the meters are bouncing, etc. But, I can't get the audio back into the Firepod/Nuendo.

I've been doing some reading and I've read that I need to set the sync to SPDIF instead of the usual internal setting for the Firepod/Nuendo. We'll see if that does it. I hadn't changed that when I was working with it last night.
You have to create a stereo input and output in the vst connections panel in Nuendo, make sure the stereo inputs and outputs are set using the pods SPDIF basicaly 9 and 10 on the pod. Create a stereo audio track in Nuendo and make sure set its input as the SPDIF in and its output to your main stereo outs, and arm the track for monitoring. Set all your recorded tracks output to the SPDIF stereo out, and bobs your uncle. O yeah forgot to mention that if you have upgraded the firmware on your firepods or are using FP10's, The cock smokers at presonus lol thought it was a good ideal to remove SPDIF functions when you have 2 or more pods/FP10's daisey chained.
I got it figured out. You have to set the sync on the Firepod control panel to SPDIF...Once I did this, I was in business...Really impressed with the unit so far. To my ears it doesn't sound quite as harsh as my usual chain I use. best I can describe is that it is more pleasing to the ear than the usual plugins and settings I turn to. I'm a happy camper right now.