Trying to spread the no avail.


The Cynical Realist
Dec 12, 2002
Tiverton, RI
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Guys - I've been trying to spread the word about ENCHANT on a couple of other boards I'm on...I've hooked a few people, and quite a few others can't be bothered(I hate that).

There is this one guy(on the RUSH board) who claims to have 'heard you', and 'done gigs with them guys'

Does this guy look familiar?

This other 'girl' had these gems to spout:

"I listened to alot of it. I thought they sounded like a cross between Styx and Incubus. I hate Styx but I love Incubus. I heard an aweful lot of Styx."

" I hear a band that has potential but still have a long way to go. I did not hear alot of range in his singing. I think the best part of that band was the guitarist. The singer has room to grow. I think they have alot of room to grow and could be great someday."

And this was the best 'guy' quote:

"Drumming sounds very Rush-like to me, with those nice china hits on "Oasis", but then turns to more heavy metal drumming... Interesting... Synths are something right out of Rush.. Guitars are... not completely Lerxst-like, I think they are good but not as great as Rush, I hear a Rik Emmit guitar style on "What To Say" The band sounds like an interesting alternative to
I'll have to do some more listening, thanks."

I just don't get why people aren't a bit more open-minded....

I'll keep trying guys...Especially in New England. You guys NEED to come here.....Besides the obvious reason, I wish 'The Station' hadn't burned down....I've seen great bands there. Would've been perfect for you guys....


Do you know this guy?

Well... Enchant have drawn a fair share of influence from Rush, and I´m sure they´ll gladly admit it, but... which modern Prog Rock/Metal band doesn´t? They haven´t done anything as obvious as DT going all "YYZ" with their first album, after all.
Rush is and always will be a huge influence! We are proud of it and always will be. I think many other bands are right there too.

Shawn, thanks for the PR but no worries we are doing fine, everyone has there own taste in whatever they listen too. We are not eveyones cup of tea and not everyone is going to enjoy the same type of vocals or range? Actually we are not the be all end all and have lots of room for improvement like most bands!

Hey we will get back that way someday and play a venue that hopefully won,t go up in flames. Thanks for your support and kind words as always!

Ummm I have never seen that guy or toured with him?
StocktontoMalone said:
This other 'girl' had these gems to spout:

"I listened to alot of it. I thought they sounded like a cross between Styx and Incubus. I hate Styx but I love Incubus. I heard an aweful lot of Styx."
Yea, I know what you mean. I played Enchant once without telling anyone who it was except that it was one of my favorite bands. Once it started someone cocked their head, looked confused and said.. "sounds like Styx".

I took that as an insult. Strange that I did I guess since I'm grown up adult.

I can honestly say that the very first time I heard Enchant, NO other band came to mind. I thought they were just excellent on their own merit. Then later I recognized certain characteristics that were influenced from other band.

How can ANYBODY not like this band, yet jam to "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooops forgot.. That guy looks like he's holding a special edition Neil Peart drum or something. Could he be a drum tech, or just someone buying a souvenir?

I have never thought Enchant sounded "like" anyone else - they have their own signature sound, although there certainly are audible influences in their music. What is funny to me is the Styx comment...a few years ago I lent a couple of Savatage CD's to my Puddle of Mudd and Hoobastank-loving girlfriend....she gave them back after listening with a "They are Ok, I guess - sonds like Styx!"

Odd...what different people hear...Enchant and Savatage are my two fave bands and I don't think they are at all alike! :)

mgirishfan said:

Odd...what different people hear...Enchant and Savatage are my two fave bands and I don't think they are at all alike! :)

You like Savatage?! They're another one of my favorite bands! From the first moment I heard Hall Of The Mountain King on the radio (back when radio was good), I was hooked.

Would that explain you guitar avatar?
Frank said:
You like Savatage?! They're another one of my favorite bands! From the first moment I heard Hall Of The Mountain King on the radio (back when radio was good), I was hooked.

Would that explain you guitar avatar?
I LOVE the 'Tage!!! I am a Savafan through and through!! Yes, that is Gary Smith's painting from inside artwork of Streets, my fave Sava album. This painting was also used (after altering the color somewhat) on the cover of The Best and the Rest as Sean said. It was also used on the cover of From the Gutter to the Stage in its original colors. This pic symbolizes the guitar Criss won and played but that later was stolen. At his memorial concert in '93, a real one sat alone in a stand on the stage.

Cheers to another Savafan!
mgirishfan said:
...Cheers to another Savafan!
/time to try to make myself sound all cool and shit/

Ever since my brother bought the Par Records release of SIRENS way back in 1983, and subsequently plopped "Holocaust" onto one of his famed cassette compilations for me (which, afterall, were the original inspiration for my very own seriously dibilitating constant need to create compilation CD-Rs for myself and all my friends), we've been huge fans. The transitional phase from GUTTER BALLET through EDGE OF THORNS was very difficult for us as they progressed from totally cool, gritty classic metal band into progressive, seriously pomp-oriented anthemic melodic metal band, but it didn't take long at all for us to decide that it was all brilliant in the end. Can't pick a favorite, really, but it -may- be POWER OF THE NIGHT. (it's a virtual toss-up between EDGE OF THORNS, POWER OF THE NIGHT, DEAD WINTER DEAD & FIGHT FOR THE ROCK! (just kidding on that last one, though it does still contain some great stuff))
Enchant is really 'too much' for some people. especially out here on the east coast, people either love it or hate it. It takes a few times with some----you really got to cram it down their throats! Until they listen to it.

I've had responses of, "what are you listening to"?!, filled with rejection, while playing enchant selections at work, like 'Wounded'....or 'Blink of an Eye', to name a few. I just smile and turn it up a notch........actually...... the job that i quit today :D
Then again others do like it, as they respect the songwriting and musicianship but it may not be their style. That's all fair

i just remember that if everyone listened to the same music that i do, i wouldnt be listening to better music than them. And what fun would that be. :err:

After listening to Rush for years, Enchant is so much more.

Nonetheless i'll be seeing Rush @ Jones Beach this summer and Enchant on this DVD that i've heard so much about ;)

Nice one Aaron

This is a cool response, and the thread is appreciated as well.

Rush are still and always will be gods that everyone esle aspires to be :Spin: no I am not a huge fan :Spin: but thanks for the props.

Hey just reading this and what is wrong with Styx? see them live they are still kicking ass, Gowen is way better than De Young, Ted does not sound like Mr Roboto. Hey this is a compliment, so is Hoobastank and Puddle of Mudd, they are both decent for the current scene. I have heard all these comparisons. Hopefully we sound mostly like ENCHANT.

aabrewer318 said:
Enchant is really 'too much' for some people. especially out here on the east coast, people either love it or hate it. It takes a few times with some----you really got to cram it down their throats! Until they listen to it.

I've had responses of, "what are you listening to"?!, filled with rejection, while playing enchant selections at work, like 'Wounded'....or 'Blink of an Eye', to name a few. I just smile and turn it up a notch........actually...... the job that i quit today :D
Then again others do like it, as they respect the songwriting and musicianship but it may not be their style. That's all fair

i just remember that if everyone listened to the same music that i do, i wouldnt be listening to better music than them. And what fun would that be. :err:

After listening to Rush for years, Enchant is so much more.

Nonetheless i'll be seeing Rush @ Jones Beach this summer and Enchant on this DVD that i've heard so much about ;)

I guess the problem with the Styx comparison is that Enchant sounds NOTHING like them. I still love the Grand Illusion album, always will. But no Enchant album sounds remotely like that. Of course songs like 'Babe' and 'Mr. Roboto' seem to have forever tarnished Styx, so to some a comparison is a major insult.
Yeah, I can't quite compare "What To Say" with "Mr. Roboto" either. :heh:

I guess you could compare Ted's voice with Tommy Shaw's since they both are in the upper ranges...but musically it's a big stretch. Enchant doesn't sound quite like anyone I've heard. They have bits and pieces of others in their music. I have heard snippets of Rush, Steve Morse, Dream Theater, etc., but the whole is greater than the parts. :D

yyzmoose said:
I guess the problem with the Styx comparison is that Enchant sounds NOTHING like them. I still love the Grand Illusion album, always will. But no Enchant album sounds remotely like that. Of course songs like 'Babe' and 'Mr. Roboto' seem to have forever tarnished Styx, so to some a comparison is a major insult.
Muntz said:
Yeah, I can't quite compare "What To Say" with "Mr. Roboto" either. :heh:

I guess you could compare Ted's voice with Tommy Shaw's since they both are in the upper ranges...but musically it's a big stretch. Enchant doesn't sound quite like anyone I've heard....
I think you just have to remember that for the vast majority of humanity (specifically, those who aren't really into music enough to already know all this crap), they either don't pay close enough attention to the music to be able to distinguish details, or they don't have a good enough grasp of theory and/or just lingo to accurately assess and describe their responses to new music. I'm sure most people over 26 or 30 years of age have had Styx blasted on them through traditional media enough to recognize that music virtually instantly. However, throw something new at them and they just don't have the capacity to categorize (a task that's almost essential for at least an overlapping majority of humans to function properly) and end up making these confusing (to "us") asociations. I find it frustrating often (for instance when in the early 90s I played the Storm's self-titled debut in my car and all pasengers exclaimed, with disdain, "that sounds just like Journey!" (personally, I don't really think Chalfant sounds much like Perry at all beyond vocal range, and neither does Josh Ramos sound like Schon, but what can you do?)) myself, but I also try to remember that not everyone can be as discerning as I(/we) try to be..
Muntz said:
Yeah, I can't quite compare "What To Say" with "Mr. Roboto" either. :heh:

I guess you could compare Ted's voice with Tommy Shaw's since they both are in the upper ranges...but musically it's a big stretch.
For the record, LOL, as far as upper ranges are concerned, so is Pavarotti's! That a big (really big!!!) stretch too, of course, but it shows how little just being able to hit the high ones means for comparitive purposes.

I think Ted excels in the categories of tone, style, delivery, and most of all - EMOTION!!!!


Personally I consdier myself lucky as a fan with bands like Enchant and Symphony X and Dream Theater - vocalists who have gotten BETTER as the years have gone on.... LaBrie continues to impress as he was actually sliding downwards a bit at the end of the 90's, then really started caring for his voice and did a big turnaround in in the past few years.

Listening to early Symph X, you can obviously see how Russell has matured - I truly think you could hand that guy your shopping list for the grocery store and he could make it sound AMAZING. That guy can sing anything.

As for Ted, he did NOTHING but impress at IMusicast back in March (that sustained note from PURE that he carries for, jeez, what - 20 seconds straight?) almost floored me live. :worship: Me and Bill from Va just looked at each other in awe as we stood in the audience...:yow:

And as much as I LOVE BOTW, you compare that with Tug of War and the way Ted sings and you can just see how much better he's gotten with each and every album. And because of that alone, I cannot wait for the new CD from the boys...

[sidenote, speaking of singers - just caught the FREEVIEW on DirectTV of Queensryche's last concert vid - sorry to say but it was depressing.... Tate's depth of range has really downsloped and the guy replacing DeGarmo looks like he should be playing in DISTURBED or something.... oh and he actually plays guitar in the POWERSTANCE Jack Black talks about in School of Rock!!:dopey: There's a band that is just a shadow of its former self....]
Burke said:
[sidenote, speaking of singers - just caught the FREEVIEW on DirectTV of Queensryche's last concert vid - sorry to say but it was depressing.... ..and the guy replacing DeGarmo looks like he should be playing in DISTURBED or something.... oh and he actually plays guitar in the POWERSTANCE Jack Black talks about in School of Rock!!
I believe that guy actually *did* come from a big name, nu-metal band.. Isn't it Kelly Gray? Who did he play for (someone must remember)
Actually, Kelly Gray (wasn't he a producer? Studio guy?) joined for Q2K and tour but left after that. DOn;t know who the HECK this new guy is....
Burke said:
Actually, Kelly Gray (wasn't he a producer? Studio guy?) joined for Q2K and tour but left after that. DOn;t know who the HECK this new guy is....
Shows you just how out of it I am... Um, now that you mention it, I thought DeGarmo was supposed to come back before the last CD, weren't he? If so, did he? If so, he's gone again? If so, WTF? *lol*

Of course, I really threw up my hands (in regards to the 'Ryche) when I read that Tate said in (one or more) interview(s) that both (to paraphrase: I could never sing or write the stuff I used anymore because it was childish and stupid) and (paraphrase: we're considering re-recording OPERATION: MINDCRIME) in the same time period.. That whole idea just terrifies me...