TSE X50 mixtest

Sweet song :) Guitars sound great! Sounds like they've retained a lot of the low end, how surgical did you have to be with the EQ? Really cool sound overall!
Sweet song :) Guitars sound great! Sounds like they've retained a lot of the low end, how surgical did you have to be with the EQ? Really cool sound overall!

Cheers dude!

It's pretty much just the amp + a cab simulator and nothing else. I only used the amp's own dials to tweak the tone.
Ah that's pretty good!

I have tested the X50 a lot but I cannot get what I want out of it.

I wondered if you would be able to drop the Nick Crow 7170 and/or 8505 and render those as separate mixes for comparison?


They are free and the only VST stuff that comes closer to a tone I am looking for.

Keep the TSE cab and impulse but turn off the power amp. I am still looking to be convinced to shell out €50 for the x50.
Ah that's pretty good!

I have tested the X50 a lot but I cannot get what I want out of it.

I wondered if you would be able to drop the Nick Crow 7170 and/or 8505 and render those as separate mixes for comparison?


They are free and the only VST stuff that comes closer to a tone I am looking for.

Keep the TSE cab and impulse but turn off the power amp. I am still looking to be convinced to shell out €50 for the x50.
Much appreciated dude!

Nick Crow is one of my favorites from a while back, been using his plugins for a long time. Here's the song using the 7170: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5798359/Broken_Enemy_7170.mp3

The 7170 doesn't seem to have the same tightness in it that the X50 has without any EQ'ing or a tubescreamer in front of the amp. Still a great sounding amp nevertheless, just needs a bit more work to get
a tone that suits my needs. Like I said I'd throw in a tubescreamer plugin or something similar in front of the amp to tighten it up a bit.
Thanks for doing that....it's hard to do a direct a/b here at the office but they both sound great and similar to each other.

I often use the TSE 808 in front of the 7170...do you have any other vst recommendations (64 bit only)?

I wish the cabinet IR loading in the TSE was a bit better...i find it a bit fiddly compared to Recabinet.

I am looking forward to seeing what Thermionik will bring to the game this summer.
Great sound, those guitars have a nice mid range growl and sound like they handle low tuning well.

I have been hearing some big inspiring mixes on these forums that have used the TSE X50, might have to get my hands on it next mix session and try it out. Thanks for posting your Soundcloud mix, enjoyed!
Yup, those guitars sound pretty fucking good. I use X50 and can't quite get anything quite like this out of it. It may just be difference in tuning that I'm hearing. I'm always in Drop C.
Yup, those guitars sound pretty fucking good. I use X50 and can't quite get anything quite like this out of it. It may just be difference in tuning that I'm hearing. I'm always in Drop C.

A lot of it has to do with your pickups. I myself use Bareknuckle's Warpigs and I've found them to be really well suited for hi-gain stuff especially for their tight lowend.