TSO Lineup

Well if you go to Jeff Scott Soto's home page I believe, it lists which dates he is on. I believe he is on the West Coast team. I know thats one I get in KC on Nov 28thish.
All I know is, if the rumor that they are doing instrumentals of "Prelude to Madness" and "Believe" is true, I may have to take my pants off.
Ha Ha!

Pictures, please! :heh:

I haven't gone since 2004, when I saw them for the first time, but that was the year that Chicago first got the East Coast touring group. Since then, I think we've always had that group.
Drop those pants! :heh:

Prelude to Madness clip

Edit: Video is there, but can't be embedded.
http:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=Js2Q7QZjVLI
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All I know is, if the rumor that they are doing instrumentals of "Prelude to Madness" and "Believe" is true, I may have to take my pants off.

As far as I know it's the usual characters although I heard JLM is playing bass now with the Caffery bunch.

I'm glad Savatage is getting some recognition out of this but I'm actually pretty ticked they're playing Believe. That song should only be sung and played by one person and that's Jon, I cant' even put into words how upset I am at them bringing out my favorite song ever with the wrong vocalist..there's so many other Savatage songs that would fit the bill without destroying the song..Prelude of course being a great selection...anyway I'm actually skipping out on it this year, seen too much of the TSO thing in the last ten years.
As far as I know it's the usual characters although I heard JLM is playing bass now with the Caffery bunch.
Yeah, I noticed that as well.

I'm glad Savatage is getting some recognition out of this but I'm actually pretty ticked they're playing Believe. That song should only be sung and played by one person and that's Jon, I cant' even put into words how upset I am at them bringing out my favorite song ever with the wrong vocalist..there's so many other Savatage songs that would fit the bill without destroying the song..Prelude of course being a great selection...
I agree, somewhat. It always sucks to hear a great song be butchered, but there must be a reason behind chosing that song, and I have confidence that it will be alright.
And who knows, maybe the Mountain King will make a guest appearance?
I know....I can be very naive. Ha Ha!

...anyway I'm actually skipping out on it this year, seen too much of the TSO thing in the last ten years.
Who are you and what did you do with Tony?
Yeah, I noticed that as well.

I agree, somewhat. It always sucks to hear a great song be butchered, but there must be a reason behind chosing that song, and I have confidence that it will be alright.
And who knows, maybe the Mountain King will make a guest appearance?
I know....I can be very naive. Ha Ha!

Who are you and what did you do with Tony?

Well the guy singing the song can totally do the job, but he can't replace the emotion Jon puts into that song. The guy literally puts his heart and soul into every word of that song every time he plays it, I could never sit and watch somebody else attempt to sing it. Seriously it's my favorite song and I relate to Jons emotion in the song as much as the words and the music, I'd probably have to leave the room if somebody else was performing it.

Dude...I can recite the entire concert word for word I've seen it so many times. I have Caffery's little intro thing memorized with the jokes, it's bad when I'm reciting that stuff. The fact that it's after Christmas doesn't help things. I need a year off and they need to re-tool the show a bit.

I was contemplating going to Milwaukee to see the Pitrelli version again with Jeff Scott Soto, I always enjoyed TSO west, they got the better collection of singers.
The show was good....
Almost the exact same show as the past four years, but a few new features and cast members.
Prelude to Madness was pretty badass, but Tony's predictions were correct regarding 'Believe'. I actually wish they hadn't played it at all....totally butchered.
And according to Caffery....."Night Castle should be out sometime.....in the future".