TSS --> Wagner Mk II --> KeFIR --> Vox. Elephant test


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, this is the first song I've written (with my housemate/co-guitarist) using my new guitar recording chain (replacing my venerable podxt) - the signal was ESP LTD EC-400 w/ 81's into the inst. in on my Mackie Onyx Satellite, into TSS, Wagner Sharp Mk II, and KeFIR with DSS3's "Mesa cab 57 pres 8" impulse. I also did some eq'ing on the overall guitar bus; a 7 db cut at 200 Hz (I find impulses always seem to be very woofy for some reason) and a 2 db boost at 4k (more presence).

I'm pretty happy with the tone, and proud of the song; there are gonna be synths, vox, bass, and better drums (from an actual drummer!) soon, but for now this is the finished product as far as guitars go! The song is on my soundclick player on my myspace (link in my sig), comments appreciated!
Hey Marcus. Nice song man. And I really like the guitar tones. They sound really good when the guitars lock up on the riffs and really grooves. Nice tone. I don't think I ever saw DSS3's impulses around here. Guess I missed that! Although I'm really stuck on the Englv30 impulses myself. Just get a bass going on this so we can see how those guitars rock with everything else in the mix. And, where's a solo? I kept waiting and waiting for a solo from you. ;) Keep at it! It's off to a really good start. (and yeah...I love Elephant)
I kinda fell in love with the part at 0:30 ... very well written and played! :)

Very nice playing, it sounds "honest" (I dunno wtf I'm talking about!). I didn't listen too loud since it's night here atm but it did sound good so far, considering it's only guitars and programmed drums.

Keep this up!
Thanks guys, I appreciate it! Solos are coming Mark, don't you worry - one step at a time, naturally, but the section from 2:43 to 3:35 is all gonna be solos, so I think it'll be worth the wait! :D
Thanks a lot man! In fact, I actually just switched impulses to one of Guitarhack's, further solidifying my satisfaction in buying a Mesa Stiletto (Traditional) cab rather than the OS, cuz his (made with the Traditional) sound so much better than any of the OS impulses I've tried. I uploaded another song for my upcoming band (titled Band Song 3, I know I know, we'll name 'em eventually); same signal chain as before, except I now use Voxengo Boogex with my current favorite GH impulse, "Edgehalf" from the "Louder JJ Powertube Impulses Samples" folder. Oh, and using the new Version 3 of Elephant, which fucking rules once you figure it out, mostly because of the new EL UNI limiting algorithm. Comments appreciated!
I just listened to "band song 3". Its main thrash riff is totally sweet. The one where a lead comes in along with it. Fucking rules.
I can't listen to the clips now, but I just had a comment about the 'woofyness' in the impulses that you mentioned earlier.

I suspect the reason they woof out at those frequencies (usually from 100 to 150Hz) is because the rooms they are tracked in tend to be small (bedroom size) and without any bass trapping whatsoever. Most smaller rooms tend to boom out at those frequencies in a MAJOR way. That explains our tendency to have to frequently reduce in excess of 10dB on the low-end. Of the many, usually unnoticed, symptoms of the whole home recording era.

Regarding traditional vs oversize, the oversize easily wins for me... easily. The tone is more focused, less buzz, bigger lows (which can be tightened significantly with a TS). Tried them out directly against each other with a number of different amps (Invader 100, Mark IV, 5150 III).

Elephant rocks, for sure. I've yet to give V3 a spin though!
Thanks a lot Donkeys! That riff was actually mainly Dimmu inspired; I couldn't get enough of the groove in the chorus of "The Serpentine Offering," so I knew I had to write a song incorporating it (without being too derivative, I hope ;))

V3 makes a huge difference Moony, trust me - the new "EL UNI" algorithm is by far my favorite (I was using the AIGC ones before, which had some pumpage potential), and although there are a shitload more settings to tweak, the presets are actually really useful in comparing to, so I figured it out in no time! And there will always be people who prefer the Recto to the Stiletto, and vice versa, but I'm very satisfied with my purchase (and if Matt Smith and James Murphy, among others, can coax fucking wicked tones out of their Stilettos, then I'm not too concerned ;)). Also, I've become exceedingly skilled (if I do say so myself) at picking up the sound of a Recto cab on recordings (Disarmonia Mundi's "Mind Tricks" being the most recent example), and I just really don't like the seemingly inherent scooped sound.