"Wires" (Wagner MK II, Mesa, Diezel>Impulse Responses)


Dec 7, 2008
hey everyone,

currently i'm working with the band Retain.
I did the Production, Mixing and Mastering.
The Song is called "Wires".

Listen to it here :
>> Wires Song <<

As your ears have always been a great help to hear what
i don't hear anymore (after 3 weeks) ;-)

Any comments on the song, the mix, he mastering highly appreciated!

some production notes:
- 4 guitar tracks (Wagner MK II, Diezel Einstein)
all through impulse responses
- 2 additional tracks of Mesa Single Recto
into Orange PP212 w./Audix I5 + Sennheiser 906
- drums : edrum into Superior 2.0
- vocals : AT 4040 into mindrpint envoice MK II

thanks for listening!
thanks a lot! :-)

most of the times i use drumagog to retrigger the snare/kick.
but for this song it worked ok.

maybe the new addon for superior 2 will give us some greater kicks...
Love what you did with the drums! Fantastic mix love the guitars! The vocals are very good but would help if they sat in the mix a bit more around 1:48 they fit perfect. The verses especailly would benefit from a little more vocal processing to fit nice and snug in the mix. Otherwise fucking killer!! Care to share the preset and what you did with superior??
i think it sounds preety fucking amazing, i like wagner a lot but never could get a decent tone out of it anyways, this sounds really kool, and the vocals, TOTALLY rock man, sorry i don't have a constructive critique, i can't say much when it makes my head bang haha
that's really good, i LOVE the song!

i get odd cpu usage spikes when i use wagners, so i can't really use it.. :/ you seem to have a good tone there!

superior 2 doesn't seem to have that many fans on here, but i like the sounds from it, and that kit sounds good!

Love what you did with the drums! Fantastic mix love the guitars! The vocals are very good but would help if they sat in the mix a bit more around 1:48 they fit perfect. The verses especailly would benefit from a little more vocal processing to fit nice and snug in the mix. Otherwise fucking killer!! Care to share the preset and what you did with superior??

:notworthy thanks a lot for your nice words! ;-)

i think the secret to wagner sounding that realistic is my different approach
to that.

the signal chain looked like this:

1. PRS 7 String with custom pickups (forgot the brand, but they are handmade by a german guy, huge difference to the ones the prs comes with 2. pod xt (only for da conversion, everything is bypassed)
3. Sonnox Gate (just to get rid of unwanted noise, as editing time is always life time :-D
4. TSS Tubescreamer // DRIVE 1.25 // TONE 4.49 // LEVEL 5.22
5. WANGER MK II // DRIVE 6.8 // BASS 4.1 // MID 7.4 // TREB 6 // POWAMP 6 // VOLUME 5
i think everything works here.. the secret seems to be something else...)
6. VOXENGO boogex >> one guitar is Recabinet Ghandi 412 6L6 i 5 cap grill
other guitar : guitarhack mesa boogie quad edge
7. UAD cambridge 81 HZ High PASS
8. the secret weapon (i guess):
VOXENGO CURVE EQ with the same riff played through a miced mesa boogie single rectifier through orange ppc 212 V30 with an Audix I 5 + Senhheiser 906.

the voxengo blueprint gives the sound some depth or 3 dimensionality as it adds same subtle phase issues that i finde very natural sounding.

heres the curve eq patch: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lds3s1

superior 2 is very very natural sounding, especially if you make
use of the room mics. is do tons of processing to the individual drumtracks,

Snaer is 14" NIR Z Custom
Kick 14*24 GMS
12" / 16" Coated

heres the superior preset file

although the kit will not sound exactly the same, as i think the internal sonalksis compressors are ok, but i always add nice URS EQs (SSL clone for HI END) and UAD LA2A, LA3A.
the snare needed lots of 10 K + 7db Q1.0 (URS SSL) + sonnox transient designer to get more attack out of the snare.

On The Kick i used the ssl, adding more low + high end boosting
60 Hz + 8 db 1.0 , lowering 300 Hz - 5 Q 2.0, adding hi shelf at 10 Khz + 5 db 1.0.

i use parallel compression on snare/kick/toms to get that sustained sound out of them. i liked that sound for this song, although most of the times i prefer a much cleaner, less roomier kit sound.

hope that helps!
Unknown pickups in my PRS???

...Kloppmann 58's pickups - the best $h|t I know :kickass: