Diezel Einstein / Mesa V30 / I5 E906 / Full Production


Dec 7, 2008


or higher Q


what do you guys think?

just wanted to share a song that i did for a band called "retain".

its a mixture of lamb of god / linkin park / a perfect circle


guitars :

PRS 24 Custom with Klopmann Pickups
Diezel Rinstein
Mesa Cab 2*12 V30
I 5 + E 906
1 Left 1 Right

bass was music man 2k $
i forgot the exact name of the model.. with 2 auxes
- 1 clean with the help of RBASS for more low end
- 1 distortion / gearbox diamondplate

vocal mic was as always my AT 4040 through my mindprint envoice mk II.

drums where played through an edrum directly into Superior 2.0
with added slate samples.

production was all me. all synths / programming
are standard cubase 5 plugins :lol:

also lots of automation. i did with the help of my new alphatrack frontier.
band let me do what i thought was necessary for the song
(you might call it overproduced... not yet sure. i liked the glitch-type fx i used, i think they really added to the vibe of the song).

plugins were mostly my UAD 2 Duo, which ran out of instances on this song, hehe. most eqing is SSL e 4000, compression mostly LA2A or 1176 LN.

and this is not yet mastered !

so what do you guys think ? any advice on the tone / mix / production ?
Sounds great!!!!!!

wo kommste denn aus hamburg?
Ich komm aus barmbek-uhlenhorst:)
Wir proben in dem stinkenden Humboldstraßen bunker....
kennst du irgendwas wo man zu fairen konditionen proben/aufnehmen kann?
Bin schon seit jahren auf der suche nach was anderem....
Sounds very nice Danny! How are you liking your UAD-card? I had one a few years ago and loved the LA2A and 1176, and now I see they have they Fatso out for the UAD2, so I may need to be an owner again soon.
Sounds great!!!!!!

wo kommste denn aus hamburg?
Ich komm aus barmbek-uhlenhorst:)
Wir proben in dem stinkenden Humboldstraßen bunker....
kennst du irgendwas wo man zu fairen konditionen proben/aufnehmen kann?
Bin schon seit jahren auf der suche nach was anderem....

--- sorry for the german ---- gett to ziii tschapper ! kammann!!

hehe, ich sitz hier in hamm.. is ja nich weit !

faire konditionen - nicht bei lohmann und sienen bunkern - hehe.
wir sind eiffestrasse im bunker. nehme das auch auf.
aber ab 19h is meißtens krach angesagt... suche auch grad
nach neuen räumlichkeiten. ansonsten is der bunker aber super,
grad von der lage (jedenfalls für uns)

können ja mal mailen ! deutsch kommt hier ja nich so gut an, hehe ;-)

--- german ends here -----
Sounds very nice Danny! How are you liking your UAD-card? I had one a few years ago and loved the LA2A and 1176, and now I see they have they Fatso out for the UAD2, so I may need to be an owner again soon.

matt ! thanks man ;-)

the uad is amazing. i got it a month ago and bought all the
plugins - and i dont wanna miss a single plugin !

you wont regret it ! i actually end up
using only uad plugins on most mixes, hehe.

the uad is worth its money only for LA2A, 1176 LN and the precision limiter.
but theres so much awesome sounding stuff - i think about getting
another uad2 quad!
This tune is awesome. I wish I had more to add, but all I can say is - GREAT track. Nice mix, nice vox, great tones, pretty damn flawless...

thanks bobby! nice to hear you like it :) !

anyone think its overproduced? (or even underproduced?)
Sounds pretty good !!! Snare sounds flat like its very loosely tuned but thats personal taste as well, bass guitar could be fatter, vocals sound a little mid rangy but overal sounds tops !
imho it needs an intro...

...bass could be louder/fatter.

:worship: The whole production thing is damn good! (not overproduced!!!).

The guitar player needs lessons... :cry: not so tight ;-) LOL
jut wie immer !!!

like your works, maybe we'll contact you to help us with our 2nd record ;)
But i think we need some more new Syqem stuff ...

Tim (fast Hamburg)

Dankeschöön ;-)

yeah, new syqem stuff on its way. practicing really hard to make
the songs become alive !
yeah contact me for help with your new record!
Sounds pretty good !!! Snare sounds flat like its very loosely tuned but thats personal taste as well, bass guitar could be fatter, vocals sound a little mid rangy but overal sounds tops !

thank you man! glad you like it! snare is really a matter of taste, as always ;-)

i will test the song on different speakers and maybe turn up the low end of the bass, but i think the mastering will help the bass as well !
hey dude, really like this mix a lot. Everything is sitting really nice to my ears :kickass:
you're all too nice to me ;-) ! thanks again.

maybe i'll bring the bass up, as i wasnt really sure about the bass,
because it doesnt parallel the guitars, he's basically got his own lines.

i think the song will be available for download when its mastered,
have to ask the band for an "ultimate metal special download" or
something like that.