Tube Piece Missing


May 19, 2006
I ordered some new tubes and got them today and when I went to put in the power tubes, one of the black stabilizers or whatever that goes it the middle was just missing. It wasn't in the box or anything like that. I don't know too much about tubes so I was wondering if this was an issue. It seems like it's just a black piece of plastic to guide the tube in, but I'm not sure. Would it hurt the amp if I fired it up, because I really want to hear how it sounds haha.

By the way, the amp was a Triple Rec and I bought some GZ34's to replace the stock 5U4's.
What do you mean "no nothing personally"? I was asking if the piece that was missing mattered or if it was just a guide to get the tube in the right spot? Did you read my post bro????
Fuck me running. This has been fucking with my head for the last few months. I have no idea why, but I've had sudden outbursts of Dada since I was about five and now I'm trying to fix them all - excuse the mess and the resurrected thread. I'm sure you've found an answer, but just in case...

No, if all of the connections are secure the tube should be all right. Be gentle with it if it feels loose or wobbly, but there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.

haha, yeah this is kind of old. But, yeah, the part that was missing was just a guide. I plugged it in and it worked fine, still using the tubes now.